It has been proven, that the consciousness of a scientist plays a major role in the experiment that he conducts. It has been observed that the same experiment when done in the same controlled environmental conditions produce different results when done by different scientists. They have clearly proven that our inner thoughts control our actions and the results of our actions.
I tell you now: ‘Ananda or Bliss attracts fortune’. This is a great Truth. When you are blissful, automatically, Existence showers and material wealth will start flowing towards you. Be with a sense of gratitude always. The rest will happen automatically.
Simply decide not to feel miserable about anything. If any worry or guilt or sad incident comes to your mind, just look at it and smile and say, “No, I am not going to be affected by you. What will you do?” Simply look at it and say this. Automatically the incident or guilt will not have any effect over you. By allowing it to attack you, are you going to gain anything? No! By looking at it and saying that you will not let it attack you, you are only avoiding misery. I am not saying to run away from it. I am asking you to look at it and say this. Understand this point clearly.
If you try to suppress these thoughts, they will keep lurking at the back of your mind and they will threaten to come back at any time. Allow them to surface. But just look at them and tell them that they are powerless; you will see that they automatically disappear. They will think that it is not worth haunting you and they will simply disappear!
Always remember: Anything that gives you strength through your body, mind or spirit is spirituality and will automatically take you towards Bliss. Anything that weakens you is not spirituality and therefore just don’t pursue it. This is the thumb rule to be followed. Never forget that Bliss is your true nature.
And one more thing: Anything beautiful that you see, experience it instead of just typecasting it with your patterns and being a cold spectator. Have you seen the sunrise and sunset in the ashram or anywhere else in your place? Have you ever stood and watched the beautiful transformation of colours and rays of light spreading across the sky? Most of us either don’t know that the sun is setting or we simply say, “Yes, the sun is setting; so what; it sets everyday anyway.”
I tell you: Knowledge simply mars your innocence and makes life dull for you. When you see the sunset or sunrise, it can be such a beautiful meditation for you. Instead of looking at it with your mundane knowledge, if you become a part of it and merge with it, you will see that you are a speck of this tremendous Existence that is celebrating. You will then participate spontaneously in the celebration.
This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.
Words from the Master
Words From The Master
Words from the Master
People tell me, “Swamiji, we went for a vacation and it turned out to be hell.” I tell you: Hell is inside you; you carry it with you everywhere. Obviously you will find it anywhere you go! When you live, you give hell to others, when you die, you get hell! Wherever you go, you want to carry your hell with you. You are so familiar with hell that even if you are shown heaven, you will feel a misfit there!
A small story:
Three fisherwomen went to sell fish one day and it became late that night when they were returning home.
They decided to spend the night in some house on the way.
They entered the house of a lady who sold jasmine flowers for a livelihood and they requested to spend the night there.
The lady agreed and they went to sleep in the room given to them.
The house was filled with the fragrance of the jasmine flowers.
But however, tried as they could, the fisherwomen could not sleep.
They were tossing and turning, and they did not know what to do.
Then suddenly, one of them got up, brought in the empty fish baskets and kept it at their heads - and they slept in no time!
We carry our worries with us everywhere we go and feel comfortable nurturing them. But we also complain that we are so worried all the time! We want to be free from something but we are not willing to transform and be free from it. This is how self-contradictory we are.
Anyhow, how do we be free form this? What should be our attitude?
How to be free and what should be your attitude – both questions have only one answer: Whatever you do, you should be able to do with a feeling of bliss, that’s all. You see, the space inside you, or your consciousness, decides the quality of your life. This space should be pure and blissful always.
This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.
Words From The Master
Words from the Master
When your inner chatter comes down, when your TPS or Thoughts per Second comes down for even a split second, for that split second you are totally in the present and for that split second, you have the ability to access your past and future like an open book. When your inner chatter is high, your TPS is high and you are all the time either in the past or in the future; never in the present.
Let me explain to you what I mean by being able to access your past and future clearly:
Sometimes you might have experienced: When you are at a lecture or at a party, or in some other place, suddenly out of nowhere, you feel that the whole scene has happened before. The voices, the conversation, the place, even a few curios in the place, all will look like a replay of a scene that you have witnessed earlier. You are jolted.
Or, suddenly you think about a particular person, a friend whom you haven’t contacted in a long time, and that person calls up on your phone. You feel jolted when these things happen to you. In these few moments, you are completely in the present. Accidentally somehow you fall into the present.
You are never consciously in the present. You are always in the past or future. You move from past to future without touching the present. This is the truth. But accidentally your thoughts per second come down for a moment and you are jolted into the present.
When you are completely in the present for even a second, your past and future become transparent to you. That is why you see these kinds of intuitive things happening to you.
You see: Our thinking is never clear. It is always just association, it is never real thinking.
Let me explain what I mean by association:
You wake up in the morning and see a rose that has bloomed in your garden. Immediately your mind goes to someone who gave you a rose sometime in the past; your thought then goes through your reaction at that time to the flower, or you start thinking about that person. You then start thinking about incidents that happened with that person. In the end what happens? You miss enjoying the rose that is in front of you!
This is how you run behind the past and miss the present. This is what I mean by the word association. This is the nature of your current mental setup. As long as your mental setup is nothing but association, you will continue to go behind the past or the future, creating words and more words within yourself.
Masters live always in the present. That is why they have access to the vast ocean that is the past and the future. For you, it is an accident. It is a split second when this happens to you. You even feel scared when this happens! You are so used to living unconsciously, that when you are jolted into consciousness, it is too much. Reality becomes too much!
Your TPS plays a major role in determining how far you are from reality or the present. You live unconsciously when your TPS is high. You are so far flung from reality.
Understand: Only your doing will speak for you. Your speaking will not do anything for you. Whether you speak inside or outside, it does not matter. Simply bring in awareness and automatically you will stop speaking unnecessarily.
This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.
Words From The Master
Words from the Master
Now your mind will start asking, “How can I stop this inner chatter and thoughts? How can I experience real silence?” This thought will start haunting you and it will become one more worry!
See, try to understand: You can never stop the thinking. The thought that you have to stop your thinking itself is another thought! If you forcibly try to be silent for a second, that silence is not the silence we want to achieve, it is just a forced and dead silence. The silence that we want to achieve is a vibrating and blissful silence - the silence of Existence.
So what is it that needs to be done? Simply watch the mind, that’s all. Be an observer. Don’t pass any judgments; don’t resist any thoughts. Watch it with the deep gratitude that it is God’s gift to you. This is the first step towards inner silence.
Your awareness will slowly grow and make you centered in yourself and increase the silence in you. When I say increase the silence, I mean, your inner chatter will reduce and you will be more of a watcher. With that increased silence, there will be more awareness in you and this will become a cyclic process in you.
With this awareness, you will be able to enjoy the beauty that surrounds you. It is not that the beauty came in suddenly; it was always there! But you were not aware of it. You were too busy within yourself and so you failed to see it. Now with your awareness, you will be able to celebrate it! Suddenly, Nature will start revealing itself to you in its entire splendor. Your inner self will transform, and when this happens, the outer world transforms automatically!
When you learn to be in awareness, you can use your mind at your discretion. It becomes a vital tool at your disposal. You can use it just when you want to. From being a dangerous enemy, it becomes a reliable friend.
This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.
Words From The Master
Words from the Master
Have you seen any buffalo or cow worried? Have you heard of any plant that is worried? Are they not conducting their lives without a hassle? Why do you worry then? I tell you: Worrying is the most unproductive habit of man. Worries are constantly being produced within yourselves as inner chatter and this keeps you unproductively absorbed in it.
All your worries are nothing but a collection of words in the languages that you know. And they cause so much of confusion and misinterpretation in you. Words are the root cause of all misconceptions. But what to do - words are the only form of communication we are familiar with.
I always tell people: When I say something, you understand it as something else. And that is where the problem starts. Each one carries their own dictionary and interprets the words in their own way.
A small story:
One man told his wife, “You know, it is said that over 5000 camels are used in a year to make paintbrushes.”
The wife replied, “Oh God! Is it not amazing to see what they can make animals do!”
The husband says something and the wife understands it as something else. This is how most of us relate. That is why I say, words cause confusion. Sadly, the only form of communication that man knows is words. He gets caught in words and more words.
You see, words will always give rise to more words. But there is a silence or a gap between one word and the other – a tiny gap not perceivable by us; this is the gap that we need to be aware of. This is the gap that holds what we are actually seeking.
This gap is so microcosmic that although we go through it all day, we are blissfully oblivious to it. When I talk, you become intensely engrossed in my speech without much inner chatter. When you are deeply engrossed in my words, I give some gaps and the silence in those gaps is the real solution you are seeking!
Sometimes in my lectures, I give long gaps when I am talking. I give those gaps for you to absorb and witness the silence, which can help increase the awareness in you. But invariably what happens? The moment I give gaps, people start getting restless. They start fidgeting with their things or they start looking around and talking - collecting words again!
Real silence is that which is flooded with only awareness and nothing else. It is not just keeping your mouth shut. If you can get glimpses of this silence, this awareness, you will understand what I have been talking all the time.
This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.
Words From The Master
Words from the Master
By going behind the past or thinking about the future, you miss the present. Spirituality is all about dropping the past and living in the present. Right now, you are accumulating the past like anything. Your burden is becoming heavier and heavier day-by-day. You feel bogged down because of this.
You don’t know how to unload your past; you only know how to carry it with you. You feel that you have to carry it with you. Society has taught you that you have to carry it with you. You are taught to feel guilty if you try dropping it.
Society tells you that you are ungrateful if you drop the past. I tell you: It is simply nonsense. There is absolutely no need for you to carry your past with you. The people who tell you these things don’t know that gratitude is something that you have to feel continuously in you towards Existence and everyone as a whole, and not something that you feel towards isolated incidents in life.
When you drop your past, the present will take you by surprise. Society always teaches you to enjoy the present as past, never as present. It teaches you to make everything a past and then enjoy it.
I have seen people who go out on holidays – they are all the time with their still camera and video camera. In the most scenic of places, instead of enjoying the nature surrounding them, they will be scrambling with their cameras to capture all the scenes through their camera lens.
They will then go back home, wash their film rolls, sit on their sofa inside four walls and enjoy the same scenery through the photographs and video camera. They have simply missed, that’s all. And all the photographs are taken and shown to family and friends just to tell them that they have visited the places seen in the pictures. But they never enjoyed the places when they were there! They missed it like anything.
You all the time enjoy the present after making it a past. That is why people say, “Those were the golden days.” When the days were actually there, you would have surely not thought they were golden. At that time you would have been saying that the earlier days were golden days, that’s all! This is how you delude yourself with your worries.
You totally miss the beauty of the present. When you are in tune with the present, every moment will become a celebration and you will not be searching for past incidents to celebrate. When every moment is a celebration, you will continue to be in the present because you are celebrating every moment. You will never go to the past for celebrating.
Also, it is such a waste of time dissecting the past for worries because you are a new person every moment! Every moment, you are evolving; every moment you are getting updated. You are a part of Existence and Existence changes every moment. Then how can you dissect past incidents with your updated intelligence? It is totally irrelevant.
Never analyze the past with updated intelligence. It is a totally foolish thing to do. It will only lead to more worry and more guilt. Every moment you are dying and becoming a new person. This is the Truth. Just try to understand.
This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.
Words From The Master
Words from the Master
A small story:
Two friends went to a cinema theatre to watch a newly released film.
One of them noticed that the other was frequently looking at his watch.
Finally he whispered to him, “Are you not enjoying the film?”
The friend replied, “I am. I am just wondering how much more time is left to enjoy.”
Actually, most of us are like this. We are so tuned to worrying, that even if there is nothing to worry about, we worry about how long this state of no-worry is going to last! When we are enjoying ourselves, we enjoy thinking how much time is left to enjoy. How will we ever enjoy then? When you are continuously thinking this way, you are keeping yourself in the future all the time. When you try to hold on to any moment of pleasure in the future, you have missed the pleasure of that moment!
Do you follow what I am trying to say?
If you deeply analyze yourself and the others in your own family, you will be able to observe what I am saying.
Everyone feels important and productive when they harbor worries. Actually, the more the worries, the more a person feels good about himself because his ego feels good at being able to manage so much worrying! That is why most often you will find that when you talk about your worries to someone, they will say, “Ah! This is nothing; listen to my problems; then you will know what it is.” This is because, people feel superior in shouldering big worries.
By thinking of worries all the time, what is going to happen? Nothing. With your ten worries, an eleventh worry called Depression will happen, that’s all.
We worry while we are working. Be very clear: When there is worry, you cannot work and when you are really working, you cannot worry. Where there is worry, there cannot be any creativity and where there is creativity there cannot be any worry. Either worry or creativity can exist at any given time, never both. Creativity is real worship. When you create, you are close to God. Creativity comes from the heart. Worry comes from the mind.
This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.
Words From The Master
Words from the Master
Why can’t we take every moment as it is? Why do we need to link the moment to the past and future and draw conclusions? Why is the mind looking for consistency in everything that it sees? And when it fails to see, why does it find it difficult to digest? This is because, you are always looking to frame things with the help of your mental makeup, with the help of your stored engrams; and when you can’t, you get worried.
Have you seen me worrying any time? How many of you have asked me how I am able to be cheerful and unperturbed at all times? Let me tell you: The reason is, I simply live in the moment, that’s all. I don’t carry the past as a reference in my mind. I don’t burden my mind with these kinds of references. I act from spontaneity, not from patterns.
I am like a river that flows. Many of you who have accompanied me, would have seen the river Ganges flow in the Himalayas. It is so beautiful. It appears serene at certain places, turbulent at other places, crystal clear at times and murky at other times. Where a person encounters it, that will be the experience he gets from it.
Can two people who encountered it ever compare notes and complain? How foolish it would be! The river simply flows to the music of Existence, that’s all! It has no plan. I am like the Ganges. I flow without a plan, just spontaneously, without a worry. Existence is the master planner.
Because of my spontaneity, people pass judgment on me; they say I am inconsistent. How many of you here have complained at my so-called inconsistent words and behavior? Come on, raise your hands!
(after a long gap, a few venture...) See! I am sure all of you must have had this thought at some point in time, just that only these people have had the courage to raise their hands.
Can you say that the Ganges is inconsistent? Can you say that the Ganges should flow in a more orderly fashion? No! That is the way the river flows, that’s all; you can’t pass judgment on it. In the same way, I flow like a river and you can’t call me inconsistent. I live moment to moment while you live with highly interconnected and complicated moments put together. What is the result? You feel burdened and worried.
When you have so many moments weighing on you, won’t you definitely feel heavy? In the same way, when only the moment is on you, won’t you feel light? All your worries are because you connect the present and the future with past patterns. In the whole process, you miss the present, which is actually a gift to you. You continuously miss the present for the sake of the past and the future. Finally, only the future and the past remain, never the present.
These patterns that cause the current of worry have become a life-sustaining element for our mind.
This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.
Words From The Master
Words from the Master
Yes…you want to clarify anything?
Swamiji, are thoughts a part of the mind, or are they an expression of the mind?
Your mind and your thoughts are one and the same. There is no difference between mind and thoughts. Mind is thought and thought is mind. The mind is nothing more than the collection of your thoughts, the continuous flow of ideas. And thoughts are no more than the words that you speak to yourself continuously.
When you are worrying, allow yourself to enter deeply into it, with acceptance and clarity. Don’t be afraid to enter into it. Remember: acceptance is not impotence. Acceptance is a great meditation technique. Acceptance releases a great energy, gives you great clarity and liberation.
When you accept your worries, when you enter deeply into them, you will come to a tremendous understanding that all your worries are just your own creations. You will be able to see how your mind plays and causes tension in you.
When I tell you, you can understand it only intellectually. When it becomes your own experience, when you have that clarity, you will go beyond worries. Then depression cannot touch you. You will go beyond misery.
A small story:
When I was staying in Calcutta, taking classes on the Isha Vasya Upanishad, a man came to see me.
He said, “Swamiji, I have a problem. I don’t sleep well at night because I live in an area where there are plenty of street dogs. Every night they start barking, and keep barking till sunrise. I am already a very light sleeper, and I simply can’t get any rest because of this noise.”
I told him, “Go home and try this tonight. When you hear the barking, just drop the anger, the negative feelings that rise up in you. Just listen to the barking sound without resisting. Tell yourself that the dogs are barking, that’s all. Don’t allow yourself to react. The problem is not the barking, but your resistance to it.”
The man went back tried what I said. After a few days he came back to me and reported, “Swamiji, I tried dropping my resistance as you said. Instead of thinking, ‘How dare those stupid dogs spoil my sleep!’ I tried changing my thoughts gradually:
‘The dogs are barking. It is spoiling my sleep.…’
‘The dogs are barking…’
‘Some animals are creating some sounds…’
By the time I came to that sentence, I think I fell asleep. Anyway, I’ve been having excellent sleep all these days. Thank you Swamiji!”
This can happen with you also. Any situation can be dealt with, if you know how to drop your negativity, if you know how to drop your negative reaction to it. This is the key to open the Manipuraka chakra.
But the mind is so eager to harbour, to settle down in familiar patterns of inner chatter. This is the basis of the working of worry. The mind always looks to typecast things. It needs comparison all the time between past, present and future and this comparison, this reference, this judgment, gives birth to worry.
Worries are nothing but familiar dwelling patterns for our mind. These familiar patterns are called engrams in the field of human psychology. Engrams are the engraved memories of the past, which serve as an undesirable resource inside us for all our present and future actions. Because of these stored engrams, we react illogically in the present.
This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.
Words From The Master
Words from the Master
The mind is an excellent recording system. It stores your negative thought patterns, your complexes, your worries. Whatever you teach the mind, it learns and repeats faithfully. This is how you create a solid mental makeup with all your negativities. So be very careful what you tell your mind. We always take so much care in how we speak to others, but we never pay enough attention to how we speak to ourselves.
Just like how poor eating habits cause cholesterol to accumulate in your arteries, in the same way, constant worrying can cause worries to solidify in your Being. Like how cholesterol creates blockages in your arteries, worry creates energy blockages in your Being.
Over a period of time, worrying becomes part of your nature; it becomes an unconscious act. Even if you reason it out, the low mood still remains. Why? Because all your worries, all your anger, you’ve suppressed over the years, and these are still there as an invisible layer in your Being. Worry is the wave that rises from time to time, but depression is the water itself.
How do we go beyond depression or negativity?
Just be aware and alert. Whenever you become aware of a negative thought surfacing, just visually scatter the negative words and see them disperse. If you keep doing this, you will not allow the negative patterns to settle and with time, your mental makeup, your mental programming will become different; it will not be negative any more.
If you go beyond inner chatter even for a few moments, you will become more aware, more alive. Just understand that worry is unreal, unnecessary. Then the treasures of the Manipuraka chakra will be unlocked naturally.
This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.
Words From The Master
Words from the Master
What do I mean by not worrying about the worry? Just see the worries and don’t get perturbed by them. It is only when you get caught in repeating your worries to yourself in a worried fashion, does the actual worry take root. This is what I mean when I say ‘stop worrying about your worries’. Just let them be. Don’t start giving them life. Don’t feed them with flesh and blood.
When you say, Control the mind, Don’t think negatively – it is just like tightening the knot in the rope. Your mind becomes more tense and constricted. This will not help in anyway in untying the knot.
When you suppress, the memories of these suppressions go directly to your Manipuraka chakra. When the Manipuraka is poisoned, your actions will have an unconscious violence – like plucking at something, destroying things, misbehaving with your body, fighting with yourself and with others.
These are all subtle expressions of suppression. That is why, people say that their stomach is burning with anger or they are feeling heavy in the stomach. There is so much of suppressed anger in you; so much of negativity in you, which in turn gives rise to more and more negativity.
What is negativity?
Supposing you suffer from a business failure due to some reasons, how will you react? You will feel sad that you met with failure; that is ok. But you will not stop at that. You will feel frustrated and angry and you will allow all sorts of things to enter into your head.
Oh, this is my bad period!
Everything I touch is sure to be a failure!
I am good for nothing!
Why am I always so unlucky?
What am I going to do? … and so on!
This is what is negativity; this is what is the root of worry. The thing about our worry is, 99% of our worries are never true. 99% of our worries are totally unreasonable.
Gradually, this negative attitude, this negative chatter solidifies in your Being permanently, and becomes a sort of negative influence in everything that you do. And you are so unconscious of this solidified thing in you; this is the greatest danger. To make you acutely aware of this current in your system itself is a big task because it has become your very nature. You cannot see it as something different from you. You have become a part of it.
The clinical name for this negative attitude is Depression. Some people are less depressed, some people are more depressed, that’s all. The more you allow this chatter to consume you, the more depressed you become. The people who are less depressed feel it only at times and that too at a lower degree whereas the people who are more depressed feel it most of the time in a severe fashion. But the current is always there for both.
So depression or negativity is nothing but a collection of negative thoughts, which you speak to yourself. And once you allow such thoughts to enter into your mind, the same thoughts will keep playing back every time you suffer a small failure. It will keep reinforcing this attitude. After all, worrying is only a highly reinforced habit.
But it is a mere habit and so you can kick it like any other habit! But you don’t think that it is only a habit; you think that it is a solid and serious reality. That is the problem. That is why you are not able to kick it.
This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.
Words From The Master
Words from the Master
A small story:
Buddha had ten thousand disciples whom he used to address every morning.
One day he brought a tightly knotted rope and placed it before them and asked, “Can someone untie this knot?”
The disciples came forward, pulled and pushed at the knot but could not undo it.
One intelligent disciple then came up, looked at the knot for a while and undid it easily.
You have to look at the knot and see how it has been created, how the knotting has happened. Once you do that, you just have to simply reverse the process of creating the knot and you have untied it. Instead of doing this, if you simply pull and push, you will never be able to untie the knot, it will only become tighter.
The same thing applies to our problems also. The problems, diseases, emotions you are struggling with, are nothing but knots in your system. Once you clearly understand how the knots have been created, you can take the right steps to untie them.
Worry is closely related to the Manipuraka chakra, which lies in the navel region. Negative thoughts directly attack the Manipuraka chakra.
Just do this small test: Whenever you feel negative thoughts coming up, look into them and see where they are rising from. You will find that they always rise up from the navel.
Whenever you feel worried, whenever a situation arises that you simply can’t handle, the first thing to get affected is also your navel region, your stomach. You can physically feel depression as a weight in your stomach. That is why we always say, “I can’t stomach it; I can’t digest it.” This expression is there in all the languages. It is universal. Constant worrying locks the Manipuraka chakra.
So, what is the way to unlock this chakra? How do you think we can keep this chakra in a good condition? Come on...tell me...
We should never get worried in any situation Swamiji.
Just try telling yourself that you should not get worried. What will happen? You will create one more worry of not wanting to worry. Never say, ‘Stop worrying’; it is utterly impossible. Only thing, Stop worrying about your worries!
This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.
Words From The Master
Words from the Master
A small story:
One day, there was an accident on the road.
People gathered around and saw that a brand new car had crashed against a wall.
They asked the driver, “Sir, why are you driving the car if you don’t know how to drive properly?”
“Of course I know how to drive,” replied the man, “I only don’t know how to stop.”
(Loud laughter!)
The man knew how to drive but did not know how to stop. You are also driving a vehicle, which you don’t know how to stop. It is a very dangerous thing. Your Mind is a like vehicle that you don’t know to stop. Just try to stop your inner chatter, even for a few seconds…
Can you?
When you try to control it, the gush of thoughts becomes even more uncontrollable because you have one more added thought that you have to stop it!
You are not driving your mind – your mind is driving you!
To understand worry, we need to have a deep insight into the nature of our minds.
The way to Worry is through the mind - and the way out can also be only through the mind. But we keep searching for answers in all the wrong places, we search outside all the time without looking deeply into the root of worry. We think, If I had more money, all my worries will be over! If I was more good-looking… If I had a better job… If… If… If…
The solution cannot be found in outer world things. It can be found only inside ourselves.
This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.
Words From The Master
Words from the Master
Alright, now let us analyze what actually happens inside your mind when you are worrying.
Just watch your mind when you are worrying about something.
You will see that a continuous stream of thoughts is being generated in your mind - totally disconnected thoughts - and usually negative thoughts. An influx of negative and repetitive words will be like a current in your mind.
You see: we all use two kinds of speech – speaking out and speaking in. Speaking out is speaking to others - what we normally call speech or conversation. Speaking in is speaking to ourselves. Actually, this speaking in is a continuous process that goes on inside us. This speaking in is called ‘inner chatter’ and this is what is called worry also.
Worry is nothing but this continuous, uncontrolled inner chatter happening in your mind. This inner chatter has become your master. It has taken control of you. It keeps on happening the whole time.
Whatever words you speak out, you speak carefully because if not, society will ask you to be careful, is it not? But your ‘speaking in’ is not controlled in any fashion. When words that you speak out, when words that have volume, can be controlled, why can’t words without volume be controlled?
You don’t control what you speak inside because you don’t have self-respect. You simply say what you wish, inside you. Do we throw garbage on a plate of food? No. But we throw it in a garbage can. You treat others like a plate of food and yourself like a garbage can; because of this, you become indigested.
With outer conversations, there is a break sometimes. But this inner chatter is continuous. It can drive you mad! Actually, many times, speaking to others becomes a way of escaping from your inner chatter that is driving you mad. That is why, so much of talking is going on in the world! People are afraid to be silent because there is a madhouse inside them. So they meet up, socialize, talk, and keep themselves occupied.
What exactly do we mean by this inner chatter?
Just try this small exercise when you are by yourself: Just sit for a few minutes with your eyes closed. Keep a pen and paper with you. Don’t focus your mind on anything. Just witness your mind. Just see what is going on in your mind. Almost as soon as you close your eyes, you will see that there is a continuous stream of thoughts flowing through your mind. There is continuous activity in your mind. Write down, honestly, whatever thoughts are there. Do this for five minutes.
Now, sit down and read what you’ve written on the paper. You will be shocked! Whatever you have recorded on the paper is your inner chatter. If you read it, you will see how disconnected, how irrelevant your thoughts are! One moment you will be here; the next moment you will be in America; the next moment you will be in your office; the next moment you will be thinking of your children…!
This is the state of your mind – this uncontrolled flow of thoughts. This is the mind you have entrusted your life to! This is the mind that generates all your worries. This is the mind that is living your life for you. If you simply understand this much, you have taken a quantum leap towards freedom from worry and inner chatter.
This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.
Words From The Master
Words from the Master
And the thing about worrying is, first of all, worry itself is your decision to give food to the mind and keep it occupied. On top of this, each person thinks that only he has got a lot of worries and that only he is unhappy, and everyone else is very happy! But the strange thing is, every one on this planet Earth feels that he or she is the most unlucky, unhappy person! How is this possible?
A small story:
In a certain kingdom, it came to the king’s notice that everybody in his kingdom was depressed, because each person felt that they had the maximum worries, and no one else had any worries.
So the king announced a ‘Worry Exchange Offer’, where people could bring in their big worries, and exchange it for someone else’s small worries.
A big space was made ready, and in the center of it a huge Worry Pot was placed.
Anybody who wanted, could come and dump his own worries inside it, and pick up any other worries they wanted. Only thing, they had to pick up some worries.
The whole kingdom gathered for the event.
The people moved around and met each other and started talking to each other about their worries.
After a long time, the event was declared open for the worry exchange.
A lot of time passed and not a single person came forward to drop their worries in the pot!
After all that interaction, everyone thought that their own familiar small worries were much better than the others’ worries!
I tell you: Most of the time, we talk in the air without getting down to the actual facts. If we get down to the bottom of our so-called worries, we will understand that we are simply magnifying things that are not so bad at all.
This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.
Words From The Master
Words from the Master
Let me tell you a small story:
Three men were sitting abandoned on an island. They did not know for how many years they had been there.
Suddenly, they found a bottle and they picked it up.
They rubbed their hands over it, and suddenly a genie appeared before them. They were shocked.
The genie told them, “Thank you for freeing me from this bottle. Each of you may ask for a wish and I will grant it for you.”
They were very excited and they thought for a while.
The first man said, “I want to marry my girlfriend and live happily.”
The genie said, “Alright, your wish will come true.”
The first man disappeared from the island and the genie looked at the second man.
The second man said, “I want to become a wealthy businessman.”
The genie said, “Alright, your wish will be granted.”
The second man disappeared and the genie asked the third man what he wanted.
The third man said, “I am going to miss my two friends who have been with me all these years. I want to be with them.”
The genie said, “Alright,” and it disappeared, leaving the three men just as they were on the abandoned island.
Even after many years of misery on the island, the man was not ready for a new life! He had become so attached to the life on the island! This is what I mean when I say we are so fond of our worries! We claim that they give us misery but we are so attached to them. You will not be ready to believe if I tell you that you love your worries, but it is a fact.
People come to me and say, “My business is going from bad to worse, Swamiji! Last month I suffered heavy losses, and next month I know it’s going to be even worse.”
I ask them, “If you already know that, why don’t you close down your business right away? Why should you suffer?”
But they are shocked.
They ask in disbelief, “What are you saying, Swamiji? What will I do then?”
(Loud laughter!)
Without a reason to worry, your ego loses its reason for existence! That’s why you choose to remain in the dimension of misery. When you are in worry, you feel you are someone. You feel you are a solid entity because you are solving worries and thinking about them all the time.
Whereas, when you are free from this constant worrying, you are in bliss, but in this dimension you are nobody! There is no material to keep you occupied. There is nothing to solve. You feel insecure, like a non-entity. To enjoy a worry-less state, you need to first drop your ego about wanting to be a solid entity.
This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.
Words From The Master
Words from the Master
So we come back to the question: What is worry?
If you look deep inside, you will find that worry is nothing but your response to an event. Whether a situation makes you worry or not, depends entirely on how you choose to react to that situation. And worry has become a constant inner chatter within you, all the time causing uneasiness in you.
For example, suppose your friend gets a new job and comes and tells you about the perks and benefits of the new job and talks about it enthusiastically, how will you react? Unconsciously, you will be chattering inside yourself.
You will start thinking, Oh, he’s got a new job. He is enjoying so many new benefits. What about me? What will my wife say if she hears these perks and benefits? Better not allow this guy to meet my wife, else I will get into trouble. Should I start looking for another job? What if I don’t get it? Nothing ever works out for me anyway…
This is worry!
Worry is what happens when you constantly check yourself against external frames of reference and chatter within yourself about it. And over time, this sets in as your mental makeup.
Am I doing as well as the neighbours?
How can I impress my boss?
What will my children think?
All the time, we need to get approval from others – whether it is family or work or society. This is a major portion of our worry. Our whole life is nothing but a process of collecting certificates from others. If others don’t keep giving you certificates - Good Husband, Good Employee, Good Neighbour - we worry that our life has become worthless.
We form our personality only from others’ certificates. We have all stopped trusting ourselves; that is the problem.
As a child, each of us is strongly centered in our own Being. Have you ever seen any child worrying about what people will think of him? No! A child is such a treat to watch because he has no worries and he is total in whatever he does because he is not worried about what others will say about him.
As we grow up, society plays this idea constantly upon our minds. Society teaches us to evaluate ourselves by the ideas and opinions of others - parents, teachers, friends, even strangers. Society makes us dependent on external support, certificates from others, for each of our actions and words. This is why we are all the time worried about what others will say about us.
Also, when you worry about something, you feel you have a definite point of reference against which you can measure yourself, against which you can function. That is why worrying gives a direction to your life. Without worry, you feel as if you have no axis about which to move. This is why we are actually secretly in love with our worries!
This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.
Words From The Master
Words from the Master
Let us now move to the next chakra - the Manipuraka chakra which is located in the navel region.
In Sanskrit, Manipuraka means ‘The City of Jewels’.
This chakra is locked when you constantly worry and it flowers when you stop worrying about your worries!
Meditation Technique:
Manipuraka Shuddhi Kriya – a technique from Christianity.
Let us analyze what ‘worry’ is.
Can anyone tell me what worry is?
(a lady answers...) Swamiji, we get worried when we think of our business problems or our children or our health...
What you are saying are the reasons for worry. I am not asking you the reasons for worry. I am asking you ‘what IS worry’? If I ask you the reasons for worry, this session will never end! Each of you will be ready with a long list –
Swamiji, my business is down...
Swamiji, I have no peace of mind at home!
Swamiji, I have so many problems that you can’t even imagine…!
I don’t have children, that is my worry!
Swamiji, my children are my worry!
(Loud laughter from the group!)
We all have so many worries all the time. And if we can’t find any worries, we will start worrying about not having any worries! We start feeling insecure and so we start thinking about what we can worry about! I tell you, it is a fact! Some elderly retired people come and tell me, “Swamiji, we don’t know what to do. Our children are married and settled in their own houses. They don’t ask us for anything; we don’t know what to do; there is nothing to think about. There’s no point in living anymore Swamiji. We want to die peacefully.”
They don’t know what to do because they don’t have any worries! They try their best to think of something that might keep their minds occupied, but there’s nothing coming up to keep it occupied! And this is new to them because they have all along been occupied with some worry or the other, with some thought or the other.
Before defining worry, I just want you to understand that whatever be our culture, financial status, age or anything else, we all have one thing in common - and that is worry!
If I ask you why you worry, you will list out so many reasons. You always think that worry is caused by external matters. You always blame the outside world, the people around you, accusing them of causing worry in you.
Just think: If the cause for worry was external, there should be at least one person who has beaten all these causes and free from worries? Yes? But is that the case? Anyone you meet has got some worry or the other. Whether they are rich or poor, married or unmarried, with children or without children, working or having their own business – everyone seems to have worries.
This is because, although we think that the cause for worry is external, actually, the cause for worry lies deep within ourselves. This is the truth. This is the reason why everyone has some worry or the other all the time.
This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.
Words From The Master
Our nature is aloneness
WE CONSTANTLY live in the fear of facing ourselves. We are always busy, always asking what next in the pretext of being busy.
In fact, we are afraid and unhappy with ourselves. We never think or accept us as we are. If we can accept us as we are, we are in enlightenment. We need to enter into a state of aloneness to reach bliss. This state does not mean we reject our family or friends. We have to embrace aloneness with all of them around.
Aloneness is not loneliness. Aloneness is all in oneness. Aloneness is our inborn nature.
Loneliness arises out of social conditioning. You feel lonely when no one is around you. You can be alone even when surrounded by people.
How do we reach this aloneness? If we try to search for aloneness we get into one more bondage. We should just let it be. Let everything and everyone be as they are or how they are.
The simplest way to enter aloneness is to bring awareness. When we feel alone, we should not resist. When we are alone we will try to relate mentally with others. Drop that.
If you feel afraid of being alone, beware of the tendency to become weak or to collapse. Do not blame others for your aloneness. Allow the aloneness happen to you without resistance. You will then feel alone even when people surround you. To start with, we need to experience physical aloneness.
Once the joy of aloneness happens, once we experience the joy, it stays with us even when we are not physically alone. To have aloneness we need to do nothing. Aloneness is our reality. For material comforts we need to work and struggle.
A disciple asked a Zen Master: How long does it take to be enlightened?
Master said: Just the time it takes to blink your eye. You are already enlightened. You only need to declare.
Disciple asked again: What happened to you when you became enlightened?
Master: Nothing, I decided that from that day I shall live my enlightened state.
People ask me: What will happen to my children? What will happen to my business when I get enlightened?
I say: Nothing; you will be better than what you are, in whatever you do. You will not go to an ashram and run away from your life commitments.
Aloneness is not about escaping from your commitments. It is embracing all of them without being affected by whatever may happen. It is about living in reality.
Words From The Master
Let joy rise from within you!
OUR Vedic Scriptures say we are divine creatures whose true nature is bliss. We are created to enjoy the pleasures and the bounty of the Earth. Scriptures have clearly said that the source for this pleasure is from within. Only when bliss, joy, and pleasure spring from within, do they bring lasting joy. Being continuously in the state of inner bliss is called Enlightenment.
Be clear. We all experience moments of pleasure. What we think as pleasure is nothing but living through the present moment. We experience pleasure when we happen to live in the moment. We are in bliss when we continuously live in the present.
How to experience being in the present moment? Let us say that our mind continuously asks, craves, for a special kind of sweet. If we get that sweet, when we put the sweet in our mouth, immediately the mind, which had continuously asked for this sweet, comes to the present moment. When it comes to the present moment, it feels pleasure. If we can continuously stay in the present, we will continuously experience the bliss.
To live in the present is to feel a kind of relief. We feel a sensation of peace. Immediately we start to think that the pleasure or peace has come from the sweet.
Please be very clear. This is a common mistake for all of us. It is not the sweet that gave us the pleasure. It is the mind that did. It became a little calmer after having obtained what it asked for. The source of the experience of pleasure is from the being that has centered itself on the body.
Ramana Maharishi illustrates this with a beautiful example. He says: “When a dog bites a dry bone continuously, its mouth gets irritated and the blood from its mouth will start pouring out. Then the dog thinks the blood is coming from the bone and it starts enjoying it.”
It works the same way with all the tastes of the world, all the pleasures of the world. We think that our joy comes from the outer world. When we enjoy it, our mind that actually gets settled, becomes little calmer. It just goes inside our being. When the pleasure arises from an external experience, the pleasure lasts only as long as the impression of that experience lasts. This is why all our joys eventually lead to suffering.
When the joy arises from an inner experience that is permanent, it becomes bliss. When we experience the present moment, without regrets of the past and fears of the future, we become centered on a blissful experience.
Moving into the present moment is blissful, nithyananda.
Words From The Master
Baby steps towards a spiritual journey
PEOPLE judge you by the questions you ask. They think of witty and wise repartees to impress people. In spiritual life, questions have no importance. I tell my disciples that answers I give are like candy, brain candy, to questions posed by new comers. It keeps them happy. Once I find that the seeker is serious I stop answering these questions. The questions stop. A mature mind does not need brain candy.
When a child asks a question, it reflects curiosity. A child’s questions are innocent. If an adult asks questions, it reflects lack of wisdom. Adults pose questions based on selfish agenda. In fact, an adult has no answer for some questions.
Take this example. If I ask you, ‘Who are you?’ what would you answer? You will tell me about your status or relationships. You will go on and on about what you possess and what you control. You do not answer the question. You don’t know the answer to that question. Start the search today. Sit alone in a room, close the door, and start asking the question: ‘Who am I’? If you are well read in philosophy you will think you are Atman, Brahman, or body. You might instinctively think of yourself as your body. If you are of intellectual make up, you think you are Atman. But have you experienced it, either as body or as Atman?
You play with identities. You hide in identities. You feel safe hiding behind assumed identities. Your spiritual pursuits also serve to establish an identity. You obey your boss in one identity, but when you interact with your subordinate you put on another identity, another mask. None of this is true. You continue to play with pseudo identities.
Your life is a journey between birth and death. You have no idea why you were born. You have no idea when you will die. Your life is a bridge between these two unknown points. This is because you play with several pseudo identities, you have never asked yourself the question, who am I or what am I doing here?
Whenever anyone asked Ramana Maharishi, a realised master, any question, he would ask, ‘who is asking this question?’ Questioning would cease.
All right, you can’t answer the question ‘who am I’? Can you answer the question, who or what you are not? Until you know what you want, you will never be satisfied with whatever you have achieved or acquired. Go on asking yourself this question. The answer will surprise, shock, or shake you. Those are baby steps to a spiritual journey.
Words From The Master
Spirituality begins where science ends
LET us talk science today. We have this notion that science and spirituality are two different, independent, parallel phenomena. We think that they are opposite poles. We’re sure that they can never meet. We are completely wrong.
Spirituality begins where science ends. Spirituality explains what scientists have no ways of measuring or explaining. When science can’t explain a phenomenon it’s labelled as an anomaly. Others call it a miracle. Let me clarify. There’s no such thing as a miracle. What we perceive as a miracle here is normal in another plane of existence. What we think as miracle is usually teleportation, bringing or moving a substance from one place to another.
We are limited by our knowledge. The universe has no limitation. The spiritual knowledge has no limitation. Like in the spiritual world, every possible combination exists in this universe. The universe is too large to be confined to the smallness of human discoveries, or to be comprehended by the human mind. The universe is filled with boundless energy. Today, scientists are slowly coming to the same conclusion. When they find the universe is endless and vast, they realise that nothing can exist in vacuum. There is something common in the entire universe. What could it be? It’s this energy that ancient sages have always been talking about.
Astrophysicists are now talking about possibilities they would never have considered a decade ago. They now talk of the parallel universe. They have discovered that each time a star system dies and disappears into a black hole, another is born in a big bang creation somewhere else in this vast universe. Every action, initiated by humans or by celestial objects, produces a reaction. Until recently scientists were sure that action and reaction were equal and opposite. Not any more.
Scientists have developed the chaos theory. They’re now certain that action and reaction need not be proportionate. There is no linearity in nature. A butterfly fluttering its wings in China can cause a tornado in Mexico! This is their way of confirming what sages have said thousands of years ago.
The wise sages proclaimed that every one of us is a part of a giant puzzle. We’re all a part of the Collective Consciousness. Everything we do or think will influence those around us. Our world is deeply interconnected at many levels. We share the same energy with many different creatures and objects in the universe. We are all part of the same Collective Consciousness, by whatever name we may address it.
Words From The Master
Changing the world we live in!
OUR true nature is bliss. However, negativity fills much of our lives. This leads to suffering. We then wonder why we are unhappy.
We can control anger and depression by meditation. Just by analysing the seven chakras that are in our body, and the individual consciousness, we can remove negativity and control the mind. We are like an onion. A human body is made of many energy layers. Just like we peel an onion layer by layer, we need to explore the emotional and energy layers of our body. Let us peel away all the layers of the onion. What do we find inside? Emptiness. The onion, which looks solid and feels solid, when opened layer-bylayer, reveals its emptiness. It is just empty within.
Similarly, we each think that we are our mind and body. But when we begin to peel the layers of individual identity, we find nothing inside. What we’ll find therein is the Collective Consciousness. We term this Divine, God or whatever name we wish to give something that is beyond us and which we do not understand. Remember always that we are much more than our body mind. We are all interconnected and connected to a vast energy source. We are not individual islands but a collective ocean. This truth will help us to prevent the anger or depression.
The Collective Consciousness is an experience. It can be taught. This science is unfortunately no longer taught. The education system designed and developed by the ancient sages of the East, called the gurukulam system, is now extinct. It has been replaced by a mindless system of competitive race for selfdestruction termed as education.
That’s why we suffer despite being educated. We suffer through our life. In childhood when we are taught that we’re separate from others. In school, we’re taught that we should be better than others. Then, as adults, we’re taught to compete and destroy others. This is totally wrong. This is completely foolish. The truth is that we are all one. We each mirror the Collective Consciousness. We have lost touch with this truth. That’s why I conduct Life Bliss Programs every week all over the world.
If we re-educate ourselves and change the way we educate our children, different from the way we have educated ourselves, without judgment, without comparison, without competition, with our focus only on learning about the truth, and experiencing the truth, we can learn to live without suffering. We can transform ourselves as well as the world we live in. We can be in bliss, Nithyanandam.
Words From The Master
Live this moment here and now
SOME of us may think that we have no bad habits because we do not smoke or drink. We may think that we do everything perfectly right. Let me tell you, you all have a secret mental addiction! That addiction leads you into doing all kinds of things. In fact, it prevents you from doing many things. No, you will tell me. No, Master, I have nothing like that.
Listen to me. You are addicted to postponing every action. You have acquired the taste of postponing every task. You have created a mindset that allows you to put off everything. Yes, that is your secret addiction.
Listen to the chatter of your mind. It is always busy collecting arguments, or listing reasons about why you should postpone some tasks. It has such power over us that we will never enter into the act itself. There are many things, which we say we shall do that tomorrow. The tomorrow becomes another tomorrow and tomorrow continues to grow. Today never comes. You can accomplish a task if you do what you have to today.
The present moment is not a reality to many of us. The speculative future seems to be our reality. We prefer to while away our time in the fantasies of the future rather than focusing on the reality of the present moment. A small Zen story: A man went to the Master and asked: When will I become enlightened? The Master said: Now
The disciple could not understand: Now, how can I become enlightened now? I need a lot of practice. It needs lot of methods. It needs lot of meditation. How can it be now? Then the Master says: Never, go away. Do you get the meaning of this story? It is the story of how mind works or tricks us. Remember this story whenever your mind says: You are not good enough unto yourself. You are not complete by yourself. You are not full by yourself.
It will always be telling you the same thing. It has been telling you the same thing. Today your mind will say: I have to do that meditation or this meditation, this practice or that practice to be enlightened. Only then I can become enlightened; only then I can realise my self. Only then I can achieve the goals of my life.
Tomorrow also it will be telling you the same thing. It will never let you feel that you have reached somewhere or that you have achieved something. Couple this with the idea of postponing. It is a disaster. You know, this addiction has a simple cure. Live this moment now. Live in the here and now. Your future is in this present moment. What you cannot do now you shall never be able to do anytime. Go on. Try it.
Words From The Master
Flow with nature and attain bliss
WE WANT to cling to the idea that we’re somebody. This identity seems to keep us alive. As long as we feel we’re a separate entity, a unique individual, we’ll want to hold on to that distinction. We’ll want to find a distinct place. We believe that we’ve an identity. But let us be very clear here. It’s here that you’ll run into resistance. You will be resisting yourself.
This happens all the time. There is no exception to this rule. It’ll happen wherever we begin to cling to the idea that we’re somebody. It can happen at home or office or workplace or office or industry. It’s sure to happen. If we disappear into the Collective Consciousness, we’ll be protected again and again. We’ll be taken care of. We’ll attain complete success in all spheres. We’ll attain success beyond the social and economic spheres. We’ll experience it as fulfilment. This feeling is inexplicable. The moment we start resisting, we’ll make a hellish experience out of it.
A small story:
A man was told that his wife had fallen into the river. He immediately jumps into the water to save her. To the astonishment of onlookers, he starts swimming against the current. One person asked him, ‘Hey, why are you swimming against the current?’ The man replied, ‘You guys don’t know my wife. Even if she falls in the river, she’ll float against the current. She resists everything so much. I’m sure that she’ll try to resist the current.’
So long as we resist, as long as we don’t disappear into the Collective Consciousness, we’ll be endlessly creating hell, not only for ourselves, but also for those around us. This is the truth. This truth operates whether it is our workplace or our house or our company or any other place.
This same teaching is contained in Taoism, the ancient Chinese philosophy. It’s about flowing with nature. Water’s the greatest illustration of such natural flow. It just flows about the landline, around obstacles, in a smooth and energetic fashion. Tao talks about the reeds in water that bend with strong water flow and straighten up when the flow is weaker. That can only happen when we don’t imagine ourselves to be different from our environment.
When we merge with our environment without resisting we are no longer at odds with nature. We no longer feel the heat, the cold, and the other seemingly uncomfortable natural phenomena.
Be one with the nature. Merge with it completely. Lose your identity. Then you will gain bliss.
Words From The Master
Don’t worry, be blissful!
THERE was a wise and compassionate king. All his subjects came to him for advice. Once a woman came and complained to him that her husband was ill-treating her because she could not bear a child. Another man came to him and grumbled that his children were greedy. They were after his wealth and illtreating him. A poor man petitioned him for money and lamented saying how wretched he was to be poor. A rich man came to the king and complained that he had no real friends. Every one he knew was nice to him only because of his wealth.
The king, after talking to many people, found that the same things — children, money, and health — repeatedly induced people to worry and be sad. Money was needed by one, but was causing sorrow to another. The king hit upon a novel idea, he called his ministers and said: what if we open a Worry Exchange (WE), can’t people come and exchange their worries? A person who was unhappy without children could exchange his or her worry with another who was unhappy because he or she had children? A rich man who was unhappy could trade his worry with a poor man who needs money.
His ministers thought it was a brilliant idea. So the WE was inaugurated. On the appointed day all the king’s subjects arrived at the WE, long before it was to open. They stood around and talked, talked and talked. WE stayed open until dusk. Not a single trade materialised. Not one person came forward to barter or swap his own worry with another’s worry.
The king was disappointed. However, instead of being angry, he enquired from his subjects why no one came forward to trade worries, though they had all said the WE was a brilliant idea.
The subjects replied in one voice: we prefer to live with the worries we know, rather than exchange them for something that we do not know! Worries become, over time, our crutches, our companions. We feel lost without them. We need them to justify our behaviour and depend on them to lead our daily life.
Our worries have no meaning or purpose. I tell people to write down their worries in our Life Bliss Courses. I tell them to look at this list after three or six months. They then tell me that 90% of the worries never materialised. The 10% that did were good for them!
If we allow ourselves to release our grip from worries and relax in the present, then we can begin an intimate, spiritual journey. The purpose of our life is to journey inwards and experience bliss, not to indulge in wasteful worries.
Words From The Master
There are no miracles!
CELL phones seem to be a necessary part of our lives today. Everything we need to do, we can do, and we will do is known to our cell phones! It has become a friend, an enemy, or a lover. Despite these, does a cell phone seem like a miracle to us? If the entire world population is to be destroyed except for a handful, and two of them had cell phones and others had never seen them before, these two cell phone users would become Gods! There are no miracles in life. When objects are materialised people say it’s miraculous. It is not a miracle. It is a method.
Teleportation is another tool, just like our cell phones. Sound waves move between the cell phones enabling us to talk to each other. Similarly in teleportation we switch energy and matter. When I teleport an object from the room, I do just that. I convert the matter into energy, teleport it, and reconvert energy into matter. In fact, with techniques such as Kirlian photography, I can prove to you that it is no miracle, nor sleight of hand, but pure science that scientists do not understand yet.
We need no special intelligence to understand the cause and effect linkages. We should begin to appreciate the mysteries of our universe. Miracles aren’t one of them. But our mind clings to miracles. Unlike in the case of the cell phones, the novelty and convenience never wears off. If all cell phones in this world except two are destroyed, the two owners will become Gods.
When we do not understand the cause of something that happens we call it a miracle. Personal transformation is the ultimate miracle that we can get from a Master. It is greater than any seemingly miraculous deed of producing an object out of thin air. The alchemy of one’s inner transformation is far more difficult and far more valuable than the material alchemy of converting base metal into gold.
Human mind has limited capacity. We seek to understand everything with crippled resources. The psychologists say that our minds operates at only 10% of their capacity consciously. As a matter of fact, our conscious mind can only grasp about 2% of what our senses perceive.
We further reduce the capability of our puny mind by incessant inner chatter arising from the past and future, neither of which have relevance to our existence. When we ground ourselves in the present we begin to exist. We get transformed. That is the miracle. Work towards personal transformation. That is the ultimate miracle that any master can work for you.
Words From The Master
Words from the Master
Love as much as you can, without asking for anything in return. Loving for a reason is not love; it is just a business deal. When you can love without a reason, when you can love anything and anyone that comes your way, you will release tremendous inner Energy and beauty. You will appear simply beautiful, irrespective of whether you are physically beautiful or not.
And one more thing: Don’t think that unconditional love will not get you back anything. It will get you back things in more than one way. But you should evolve to an extent where you see these things coming to you, and remain unaffected by them, and continue loving, for the sake of loving. Your intelligence will make you see the things that you get in return, and the same intelligence will keep you blissfully untouched by them.
There will be a revolutionary change in your heart and you will be a new person. You will find the change in you and so also will others. People will develop a new kind of respect for you. They will see that you are flowering in a way, incomprehensible to them. They will be able to feel the Energy that you radiate.
To be able to love unconditionally, you need to be free. When you feel free and liberated, you will be able to love without a worry and reason. What do I mean by liberation? Not being bound by caste, creed, sect, religion, family, relatives and what not. Because when you are bound by all this, your love will remain bound, and bound love is not real love. How can you love with boundaries? It is against the very definition of love!
I am not saying that you should forget your family, religion etc. Just don’t see love in the context of all this, that’s all. When you love, love like you are liberated. When do you feel liberated? When you are free from all bondages of these things; when you don’t identify yourself with any one particular thing; when you feel that you belong to the whole of Existence; then you can love without any boundaries.
I always tell people: If you are able to feel my love in each other, then you have had a glimpse of real love. Because as I told you, it is very easy to love me! But if you can feel the same love that you feel towards me towards the other devotees also, then you have caught the thread of real love; then you have started feeling Existence in everything. Then slowly, you will move on to embracing everything and everyone as part of Existence.
Yes… We will now do a simple and very effective meditation technique called the Mahamantra Meditation*, for this Anahata chakra.
This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.
* To learn and experience Mahamantra Meditation under a qualified instructor, kindly enroll for Ananda Spurana Program (ASP) at a center close to you.
Words From The Master