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Lenin retracts his statement about Nithyananda

Apr 3, 2010  at 11:51 PM

For all the allegations and rumors and sensationalism that was generated about Paramahamsa Nithyananda having alleged sexual relations with ‘many’ women – the number ranging from 2, 16, 20, 31, 51…the source of all this, the so-called whistle-blower, Lenin Karuppan aka Dharmananda, says the following (quoted in Deccan Herald, April 3rd 2010):

“But a day after claiming he possessed two other CDs containing explicit footage of Nithyananda's sexual activities, Karuppan insisted there was only one video which was now in the possession of the Karnataka Criminal Investigation Department (CID). In an email statement to Deccan Herald, Karuppan claimed he was misquoted on account of a "language communication" gap.”

Till today, it was only based on hearsay, alleged conversations, media conjectures, etc. But now that the real investigation has started by the legal authorities, the fear seems to have caught on with the perpetrators of these false news.

What will be the next allegations that were ‘shocking news’ then and suddenly become ‘misquotes’ now?

Let us wait and watch…

Words From The Master: Awareness – the benign virus!

Apr 2, 2010  at 2:08 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 2:
There is nothing to worry – Living enlightenment is enjoying life without worry.
Part 6:
Awareness – the benign virus!

With awareness, anything becomes a blessing, including illness. Have you ever been joyful when you were sick? You can be if you become aware. There is no need to worry about sickness. Even sickness is a part of the flow of Existence. You can feel this if you become more aware of the bigger picture and what is happening at the cosmic level. Awareness simply relaxes you into deeper understanding.

Words From The Master: Awareness – the benign virus!

Apr 1, 2010  at 2:06 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 2:
There is nothing to worry – Living enlightenment is enjoying life without worry.
Part 6:
Awareness – the benign virus!

There was a student who wanted to learn martial arts. He approached a teacher and asked, ‘I wish to study martial arts. How long will it take me to master the art?’

The teacher replied, ‘Ten years.’

The student became very sad and said, ‘But I want to master it faster and I will work very hard. Even if you want me to practice more than ten hours a day, I am ready to do it. If I do so, how long will it take?’

The teacher said, ‘May be twenty years.’

The teacher clearly means that hurrying is not going to help! When you are in a hurry, there is only anxiety. To really do something, you need only awareness, nothing else. When there is awareness, there is right action. When there is hurry, everything is blurred.

Words From The Master: Awareness – the benign virus!

Mar 31, 2010  at 2:05 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 2:
There is nothing to worry – Living enlightenment is enjoying life without worry.
Part 6:
Awareness – the benign virus!

First of all, there is no need to worry. Life itself holds all the solutions. It is a beautiful self-sustaining mechanism. We just need to allow it to function in its natural way. Then we will awaken to its higher intelligence and drop all our worries.

Not only that, when we witness, our mind slows down. Worry itself causes the mind to rush around in what you call anxiety. When awareness is brought in, the rushing slows down and things happen as they should.

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