Words from the Master

Feb 22, 2009  at 2:20 AM

A small story:

Two friends went to a cinema theatre to watch a newly released film.
One of them noticed that the other was frequently looking at his watch.
Finally he whispered to him, “Are you not enjoying the film?”
The friend replied, “I am. I am just wondering how much more time is left to enjoy.”


Actually, most of us are like this. We are so tuned to worrying, that even if there is nothing to worry about, we worry about how long this state of no-worry is going to last! When we are enjoying ourselves, we enjoy thinking how much time is left to enjoy. How will we ever enjoy then? When you are continuously thinking this way, you are keeping yourself in the future all the time. When you try to hold on to any moment of pleasure in the future, you have missed the pleasure of that moment!

Do you follow what I am trying to say?

If you deeply analyze yourself and the others in your own family, you will be able to observe what I am saying.

Everyone feels important and productive when they harbor worries. Actually, the more the worries, the more a person feels good about himself because his ego feels good at being able to manage so much worrying! That is why most often you will find that when you talk about your worries to someone, they will say, “Ah! This is nothing; listen to my problems; then you will know what it is.” This is because, people feel superior in shouldering big worries.

By thinking of worries all the time, what is going to happen? Nothing. With your ten worries, an eleventh worry called Depression will happen, that’s all.

We worry while we are working. Be very clear: When there is worry, you cannot work and when you are really working, you cannot worry. Where there is worry, there cannot be any creativity and where there is creativity there cannot be any worry. Either worry or creativity can exist at any given time, never both. Creativity is real worship. When you create, you are close to God. Creativity comes from the heart. Worry comes from the mind.

This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.

Seek at Leisure