Words from the Master

Feb 17, 2009  at 2:05 AM

A small story:

Buddha had ten thousand disciples whom he used to address every morning.
One day he brought a tightly knotted rope and placed it before them and asked, “Can someone untie this knot?”
The disciples came forward, pulled and pushed at the knot but could not undo it.
One intelligent disciple then came up, looked at the knot for a while and undid it easily.

You have to look at the knot and see how it has been created, how the knotting has happened. Once you do that, you just have to simply reverse the process of creating the knot and you have untied it. Instead of doing this, if you simply pull and push, you will never be able to untie the knot, it will only become tighter.

The same thing applies to our problems also. The problems, diseases, emotions you are struggling with, are nothing but knots in your system. Once you clearly understand how the knots have been created, you can take the right steps to untie them.

Worry is closely related to the Manipuraka chakra, which lies in the navel region. Negative thoughts directly attack the Manipuraka chakra.

Just do this small test: Whenever you feel negative thoughts coming up, look into them and see where they are rising from. You will find that they always rise up from the navel.

Whenever you feel worried, whenever a situation arises that you simply can’t handle, the first thing to get affected is also your navel region, your stomach. You can physically feel depression as a weight in your stomach. That is why we always say, “I can’t stomach it; I can’t digest it.” This expression is there in all the languages. It is universal. Constant worrying locks the Manipuraka chakra.

So, what is the way to unlock this chakra? How do you think we can keep this chakra in a good condition? Come on...tell me...

We should never get worried in any situation Swamiji.

Just try telling yourself that you should not get worried. What will happen? You will create one more worry of not wanting to worry. Never say, ‘Stop worrying’; it is utterly impossible. Only thing, Stop worrying about your worries!

This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.

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