Words from the Master

Feb 24, 2009  at 2:29 AM

Have you seen any buffalo or cow worried? Have you heard of any plant that is worried? Are they not conducting their lives without a hassle? Why do you worry then? I tell you: Worrying is the most unproductive habit of man. Worries are constantly being produced within yourselves as inner chatter and this keeps you unproductively absorbed in it.

All your worries are nothing but a collection of words in the languages that you know. And they cause so much of confusion and misinterpretation in you. Words are the root cause of all misconceptions. But what to do - words are the only form of communication we are familiar with.

I always tell people: When I say something, you understand it as something else. And that is where the problem starts. Each one carries their own dictionary and interprets the words in their own way.

A small story:

One man told his wife, “You know, it is said that over 5000 camels are used in a year to make paintbrushes.”
The wife replied, “Oh God! Is it not amazing to see what they can make animals do!”


The husband says something and the wife understands it as something else. This is how most of us relate. That is why I say, words cause confusion. Sadly, the only form of communication that man knows is words. He gets caught in words and more words.

You see, words will always give rise to more words. But there is a silence or a gap between one word and the other – a tiny gap not perceivable by us; this is the gap that we need to be aware of. This is the gap that holds what we are actually seeking.

This gap is so microcosmic that although we go through it all day, we are blissfully oblivious to it. When I talk, you become intensely engrossed in my speech without much inner chatter. When you are deeply engrossed in my words, I give some gaps and the silence in those gaps is the real solution you are seeking!

Sometimes in my lectures, I give long gaps when I am talking. I give those gaps for you to absorb and witness the silence, which can help increase the awareness in you. But invariably what happens? The moment I give gaps, people start getting restless. They start fidgeting with their things or they start looking around and talking - collecting words again!

Real silence is that which is flooded with only awareness and nothing else. It is not just keeping your mouth shut. If you can get glimpses of this silence, this awareness, you will understand what I have been talking all the time.

This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.

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