Words from the Master

Feb 19, 2009  at 2:12 AM

The mind is an excellent recording system. It stores your negative thought patterns, your complexes, your worries. Whatever you teach the mind, it learns and repeats faithfully. This is how you create a solid mental makeup with all your negativities. So be very careful what you tell your mind. We always take so much care in how we speak to others, but we never pay enough attention to how we speak to ourselves.

Just like how poor eating habits cause cholesterol to accumulate in your arteries, in the same way, constant worrying can cause worries to solidify in your Being. Like how cholesterol creates blockages in your arteries, worry creates energy blockages in your Being.

Over a period of time, worrying becomes part of your nature; it becomes an unconscious act. Even if you reason it out, the low mood still remains. Why? Because all your worries, all your anger, you’ve suppressed over the years, and these are still there as an invisible layer in your Being. Worry is the wave that rises from time to time, but depression is the water itself.

How do we go beyond depression or negativity?

Just be aware and alert. Whenever you become aware of a negative thought surfacing, just visually scatter the negative words and see them disperse. If you keep doing this, you will not allow the negative patterns to settle and with time, your mental makeup, your mental programming will become different; it will not be negative any more.

If you go beyond inner chatter even for a few moments, you will become more aware, more alive. Just understand that worry is unreal, unnecessary. Then the treasures of the Manipuraka chakra will be unlocked naturally.

This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.

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