Words from the Master

Feb 28, 2009  at 2:19 AM

It has been proven, that the consciousness of a scientist plays a major role in the experiment that he conducts. It has been observed that the same experiment when done in the same controlled environmental conditions produce different results when done by different scientists. They have clearly proven that our inner thoughts control our actions and the results of our actions.

I tell you now: ‘Ananda or Bliss attracts fortune’. This is a great Truth. When you are blissful, automatically, Existence showers and material wealth will start flowing towards you. Be with a sense of gratitude always. The rest will happen automatically.

Simply decide not to feel miserable about anything. If any worry or guilt or sad incident comes to your mind, just look at it and smile and say, “No, I am not going to be affected by you. What will you do?” Simply look at it and say this. Automatically the incident or guilt will not have any effect over you. By allowing it to attack you, are you going to gain anything? No! By looking at it and saying that you will not let it attack you, you are only avoiding misery. I am not saying to run away from it. I am asking you to look at it and say this. Understand this point clearly.

If you try to suppress these thoughts, they will keep lurking at the back of your mind and they will threaten to come back at any time. Allow them to surface. But just look at them and tell them that they are powerless; you will see that they automatically disappear. They will think that it is not worth haunting you and they will simply disappear!

Always remember: Anything that gives you strength through your body, mind or spirit is spirituality and will automatically take you towards Bliss. Anything that weakens you is not spirituality and therefore just don’t pursue it. This is the thumb rule to be followed. Never forget that Bliss is your true nature.

And one more thing: Anything beautiful that you see, experience it instead of just typecasting it with your patterns and being a cold spectator. Have you seen the sunrise and sunset in the ashram or anywhere else in your place? Have you ever stood and watched the beautiful transformation of colours and rays of light spreading across the sky? Most of us either don’t know that the sun is setting or we simply say, “Yes, the sun is setting; so what; it sets everyday anyway.”

I tell you: Knowledge simply mars your innocence and makes life dull for you. When you see the sunset or sunrise, it can be such a beautiful meditation for you. Instead of looking at it with your mundane knowledge, if you become a part of it and merge with it, you will see that you are a speck of this tremendous Existence that is celebrating. You will then participate spontaneously in the celebration.

This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.

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