Understand very clearly: There is nothing wrong in doubting. Doubt is your torch to enlightenment. It is very difficult for your mind to proceed without doubts. But your doubts should be ultimately transformed to trust. Only then you are progressing. As you move inwards, this will happen. Yes…?
What do we need to do Swamiji?
Just fall totally in love, that’s all! Falling totally in love is falling totally into the egoless state. That is why, a Master - who is in the egoless state, is capable of only love and compassion. All other emotions like anger, irritation etc. are pseudo manifestations of his infinite love. He pretends to be angry and irritated. He comes down to your level, emotes at your level, and takes you through one more phase of understanding, that’s all. He talks in your language until you understand his language - the language of Existence! Yes?
This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.
Words from the Master
Aug 18, 2009 at 2:15 AM
Words From The Master