But Swamiji, how do we start falling in love totally? It seems like it is easier said than done!
The first thing: Flood awareness into every action of yours. Become the watcher. You will start feeling that the whole thing is a drama and you are only watching it while playing a role yourself incidentally. Second thing - stop being judgmental about everything that you see. When you stop being judgmental, you will simply love everyone and everything with total innocence.
When you are judgmental, you don’t see what IS, you see what you want to see. Most of us have already formed our judgments in advance. They are the foundation stones for us. Then, we simply act keeping them as a solid base. Anything we see, the first thing we do is, view it with our preconceived judgments.
If we act in this fashion, how do we see things as they are? How will we ever fall in love? You can fall in love only if you welcome everything with a freshness, with a certain innocence. But what do you do? You start analyzing the pros and cons for even loving. When you start analyzing, you miss it. When you finally decide to do it, it may be too late.
See, the Master-disciple relationship is there only for you to lose your ego. When you are alone, you cannot lose your ego. The Master becomes the device, the support, for you to lose your ego. The more you dissolve into him, the more you will be ready to open up and lose your ego. When do you know that your ego is dissolving? When you start experiencing a certain joy that you have not experienced before.
You will start feeling joy for no reason at all. Just existing will make you happy. Of course, with the Master, you are always undergoing a surgery of your ego and there will be moments of deep misery as your ego is getting slashed. But when you emerge out of those moments, you would have taken many steps forward in your growth and you will feel boundless joy for no reason at all.
This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.
Words from the Master
Aug 19, 2009 at 2:16 AM
Words From The Master