Swamiji, although I know that You are my Master, I feel hesitant and scared in your presence.
(Swamiji laughs!) The very fact that you have come out with this statement means that you want to overcome this state of yours. You have decided to take the leap.
Let me explain: Your Being has clearly identified me; but your mind is fighting. If your Being has not identified me, you will not keep coming to me again and again. You face a lot of trouble at home for coming here, is it not? The easiest thing for you to do is, stay at home and do your work. That would have made your family happy, is it not?
Why is it that you again and again want to come to the ashram and see me? Why do you want to again and again face the arguments at home for having come to me? Is it not easier to just stay at home and make the others happy? The reason is, the pull that you feel, is at the Being level. It will not allow you to go back, once it has recognized me. Try as you might, you can’t escape!
Your Being now knows me. But your mind seems to be the hindrance. Remember: Always follow your heart. That’s exactly what you need to do here. When you follow your heart, you will reach me. When you follow your mind, you will keep missing me.
You are so afraid of losing yourself to me. That is the problem. Your ego comes under threat. You feel insecure about your very identity. You feel your identity is dissolving. You start wondering where you are heading without an identity for yourself. Your ego faces a grave crisis.
When this happens, like in all other situations in Life, the ego immediately demands its food and in this case, you are unable to fulfill it. So, you start doubting me! You start reasoning out your feelings in so many ways. You start working out that which is whole and cannot be worked out. Your mind sways like the elephant’s trunk - from one side of intense love for me to the other side of intense doubt of that love.
Remember, love is from your heart while fear is from your mind. Always, always, follow your heart. Love is natural; fear is societal. Fear and doubt are deeply related and are mere conditionings that have gone into you.
This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.
Words from the Master
Aug 17, 2009 at 2:13 AM
Words From The Master