Move away from seriousness. Somehow, we always associate Spirituality with seriousness. It is a big conception. Seriousness can never be religion or spirituality.
Why do you think I keep telling you so many jokes and small stories? If I don’t tell you all these things, you will start becoming very serious and when you become serious, you become dead and heavy. You will not be alive and light. I am not here to make you heavy.
I am here to unload you and make you light. I am here to show you that your seriousness is nothing but a form of your ego. I am here to show you what you are not. I am not here to reinforce what you already think you are.
People who are loaded with the past and the future are always serious. They don’t know how to laugh spontaneously. They feel that it is their duty to shoulder the past and future and be immersed in it in all seriousness. This is a very highly egoistic attitude. They feel that if they don’t do it, there is no one to do it for them.
First of all, there is no need to shoulder the past and future. Just be in the present, that is enough. These people are completely missing the present. They are completely missing the laughter in their lives.
Laughter is that which brings in a ray of Energy from your Being to your body. It totally rejuvenates your whole Self. It can heal like nothing else can. It gives you such wonderful glimpses of the present, which you try to achieve through other difficult meditation techniques. Laughter is the most powerful meditation technique.
Laughter is the greatest spiritual quality. Sincerity and laughter always go together. As I said earlier, seriousness can never co-exist with laughter. Either you are serious or you are laughing. When you are sincere, you can laugh and do your duty sincerely.
This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.
Words from the Master
Aug 4, 2009 at 2:40 AM
Words From The Master