Words from the Master

Aug 3, 2009  at 2:38 AM

I am not saying to deliberately make mistakes. That is foolishness again. I am only saying, do things to the best of your intelligence and enthusiasm but without worrying about whether it might be a mistake. The moment you are worried that it might be a mistake, you are worried about your ego getting hurt.

When you are not so concerned about your ego getting hurt, you will have the courage to take any jump. All your so-called worry is actually about your ego getting hurt. When you are free from it, you will act with more freedom and courage. You will be more willing to explore.

A small story:

In a clubhouse, one man had finished his round of playing cards and was leaving.
He went to the coat stand and was putting on his coat, when suddenly a meek voice spoke behind him, “Sir, but are you Mr. Philippe?”
The man turned around and replied, “No, I am not.”
The voice said, “Thank God. I am Philippe and that coat is mine.”


We are so afraid that we might make a mistake and hurt ourselves, our ego. So we work with such cordiality and seriousness thinking that we are humble and what not. These are nothing but passive forms of ego. You are so terrified of your ego getting hurt and so you behave in these ways. Drop all your guard of your ego and move about freely.

This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.

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