Words from the Master

Jun 19, 2009  at 2:37 AM

What is Comparison?

Can someone tell me, what are the major areas where you normally compare? I am sure you will be able to readily come out with it!

(Audience venture…)
Beauty Swamiji..

Ha! Beauty! Each one has his or her own comparison areas! Alright, next!

Name and fame…
Power, prestige…

Alright, these are all areas of comparison where we normally compare ourselves with others, is it not? We can categorize these under 4 major categories: money, knowledge, beauty which includes health, and status. All your problems, all your complexes are nothing but these four things, am I right?

Now…let us say that you queue up all the people in the world in ascending order of money. You are also part of that queue. Where would you think you would be?

Somewhere in the middle Swamiji…

Exactly! You will be somewhere in the middle, is it not? You will not even be able to count the number of people on either side of you in the queue. The people in front of you will be so many in number and the people behind you will also be so many in number.

And the people might have to keep shifting their places also because the amount of money that they have keeps changing every minute! Now, with your thoughts, you have to decide, if you are going to look at the length of queue in front of you and feel jealous or look at the length of queue behind you and feel relaxed and grateful to God! It is in your hands.

You very well know that nothing can be told about where you are in the queue, but the thought disturbs you all the time! We are haunted by a phenomenon that does not really exist! It has got a negative existence!

This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.

Seek at Leisure