Words from the Master

Jun 18, 2009  at 2:36 AM

A small story:

One man was part of a music group that gave live shows all over the world.
In one particular stage performance, he decided to wear a particular black wig for a few songs and a red wig for other songs.
He alternated the wigs and finished the first half of the program.
During the intermission, the show director came up to him in the dressing room and told him, “Sir, you would have to wear only the red wig for the remaining part of the show.”
The man was surprised and asked him why.
The director replied, “The people like the red haired one’s voice a lot better than the black haired one’s!”

We are so busy comparing all the time that we never see things as they are! Our mind is so caught up in comparison that it misses the actual quality of what it sees. We need to drop the comparing attitude to be able to see things as they are.

This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.

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