Remember: Violence is not the way. We talk of violence in the society, state and country. What about in our own homes and inside our own bodies and minds? I tell you: Violence starts at home.
You may say, “Swamiji, but we are not violent in our day to day lives.” I tell you, you only think you are friendly and not violent. What I mean by the word friendly is different from what you have in your mind for it. Observe yourself closely: When you walk on the street or in your own garden, you unconsciously pluck at trees, leaves, flowers; you kick stones around and pull at creepers and what not. These are all acts of violence.
Just for once, walk into your garden and look closely at a flower or a leaf with utmost awe and love in you. Feel the beauty of it in your heart and look at it lovingly. Connect to the wonders of Existence through it. Handle it like it was a new-born child. Feel the emotion swelling from deep inside you.
Now think of the number of times you have unconsciously plucked at the same flower or leaf while you were walking near it and simply chucked it elsewhere. Do you understand the difference between the two emotions, the two attitudes? Now tell me, are you really being friendly towards everything and everyone around you?
Look at everything with awareness. Now, you are functioning from your unconscious and so you are behaving in a violent fashion towards these things without even knowing that you are violent. If you look at them with awareness, you will see the immense beauty in them and treat them with love.
And then, how much you abuse your own body? You overeat and cause disturbance to the beautiful digestive system functioning inside you. You stay up late in the night and torture your body when it is crying for rest. You smoke and drink despite knowing that is it not good for your body. Are all these acts those of friendliness to your body? Some of you hate your body and therefore neglect it.
So stop talking about the violence outside and start addressing the violence in you. Automatically the violence outside will stop. We are always ready to point out the imperfections of others. What about our own imperfections that are so many in number?
A man once visited me and told me about his family. He said that his wife is a lawyer. I asked, “Oh, she goes to argue in the court?” He said, “No Swamiji, she argues at home!”
We are all ready to point fingers at others and argue. Instead, let us start removing the impurities in us and then automatically, there will be no need to argue outside.
Carry with you words that heal yourself and others. Show friendliness towards the other’s body, mind and Being. This is what is ‘applied spirituality’. Spirituality is not ringing the bell regularly in the pooja room and praying to Goddess Lakshmi for wealth. It is imbibing the qualities of Lakshmi that are grace and goodwill. Wealth will automatically happen.
This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.
Words from the Master
Apr 27, 2009 at 2:45 AM
Words From The Master