If your lust is pure without any of the feelings of guilt or desire, you will go deep into it without any sort of guilt or imagination and flower out of it. It is only when your cerebral layer starts to function, you start bringing in your collected imagination and fantasy and fail to flower out of lust.
Drop your cerebral layer and start feeling love towards your own body as well as to the other’s body. Bliss is happening continuously inside your body but you are not allowing it to surface because you are caught up in your imagination. When you drop your imagination about your body and the other’s body, the impurity in your lust is removed and the first step in the alchemy process that is - removing the impurities, happens.
When you feel comfortable with your body, a certain grace happens to you. Understand: All skin diseases happen mostly because you have a certain hatred towards your body. They happen because you have a low self-esteem and disrespect for your own body.
You don’t understand this and instead go about finding cure for the skin diseases. The root of it lies in your own cerebral layer that you have built over the years. You always look at another person’s body and want to have a body like that. When you love your body, when you feel comfortable with it, you will look and feel beautiful.
In Ramayana written by Tulsidas, it is said that when Sita walks into the court of Janaka, everyone including the great sages and Rishis like Vasishta and Sita’s own father Janaka stood up to pay respect to her. Such was the sublime grace that exuded from her.
In Tantra, there is a technique wherein you wake up every morning and touch your body at every point with deep love, and allow the subtle body to settle down in the gross or physical body upon awakening.
Anyhow, the more images you have collected from outside, the thicker your cerebral layer is. In earlier days, people were not so complex and neurotic, they were simple. The cerebral layer did not exist or it was there as a very thin layer.
Once you drop your imagination about your own body and the other’s body, you will be able to start showing compassion and friendliness towards the other’s body. Friendliness is the component you need to add in the alchemy process to transform lust to love.
This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.
Words from the Master
Apr 26, 2009 at 2:41 AM
Words From The Master