We all think that we only need to do rituals and we will get the results. No. Be very clear: When you chant ‘Ram Ram’ a thousand times a day with no intention or inclination to transform yourself, it is as good as chanting ‘coca-cola’ a thousand times a day! The basic idea behind rituals is to understand and imbibe in order to transform yourself and then the material results will happen seamlessly.
Once you are able to show friendliness to the other, have the patience and perseverance to process your transformed emotion and at the end, you will experience the supreme and mutual emotion that is love. The other will also reciprocate your transformed emotion and then you have arrived! Your Being becomes bliss! Then, you have done your meditation properly!
When Love becomes the centre of your Being, Sex becomes a deep union of two Beings. The problem is, true love is lost under the covers and lust has taken over. As a result, the Beings never come together, only the bodies come together. The relationship remains at a very superficial level. Anything superficial can be shaken easily. Anything needs a deep root in order not to be shaken. It is simple logic.
Also, lust always blinds you. It takes you into unconscious intoxication. Love also intoxicates you, but it is an intoxication that takes you into deep awareness. It is such a beautiful state. Lust and love are two ends of the same spectrum. Anything that puts you into deep awareness is a meditation. Anything that puts you in an unconscious state is not conducive. This is the scale to see if what you are experiencing is good for you or not.
This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.
Words from the Master
Apr 28, 2009 at 2:48 AM
Words From The Master