Q. Dearest Swamiji, whenever I am in your presence all questions disappear and everything seems possible. But when I am away from you, all the familiar doubts creep in. Why does this happen and what can I do about it?
If a question disappears on its own in my presence, then it is time to realize that it was not a true question at all; it was merely a play of the mind.
When you are with me, the mind is no more in control -- you simply flow into meditation. You become a loving, serene silence. In this state, only a question that is truly your question, one that is completely relevant to you, will still remain with you.
In my presence, you become so intensely aware, so completely present that there is no space for questions to arise. When you leave my presence, the mind is free to impose the past and the future upon your present -- for what else are your questions but the play of the past and the future upon your present?
Just like the ego, there is no point in fighting with or condemning the mind. It is a pointless struggle which you will be sure to lose. Instead, it is enough to be aware that this is the very nature of the mind; it can be expected to behave in no other way. It is bound to bring in anxiety, confusion, doubt. Just to be conscious of this is enough. Do not pass judgment on the mind for its inane activities -- even to get angry with your mind is to lose your energy to it. As you witness the workings of the mind, you will slowly become aware that you are not the mind -- you are more than the mind, you are the watcher. Once deprived of your energy, the mind cannot go on! In the place of the chaos of thoughts that you call your mind, a clear, intense consciousness will arise. At that moment, all questions dissolve and the mind is no more.
This is the experience you find yourself having in my presence. And what I have just told you is the way to make it stay with you always -- even when you are not with me! It is a slow process -- give it time. It will happen.
This excerpt has been taken from the book: "? + Nithyananda = !" Swami Nithyananda Transforms your Questions into Wonder!
Ask The Master: 16 Jan 2008
Jan 16, 2008 at 9:03 AM
Ask The Master