One night, 2 drunkards who were walking down a street past a halogen lamp. One of them exclaimed, “Look! the sun has come down for us!”, to which the other replied, “No, it is night time, it is the moon.” The first one continued, “It is yellow in color and therefore is the sun.” A third drunkard came by them. They asked him, “Sir, please tell us whether this is the sun or the moon.” The man replied, “I am new to this neighborhood; I do not know.”
When you ask someone who does not know, you will either not get an answer or get the wrong answer. The source of information is very critical to our growth - especially to our spiritual growth; that is why Masters appear on Planet Earth every now and then.
Joke Of The Day: 16 Jan 2008
Jan 16, 2008 at 9:02 AM
Joke Of The Day