Ask The Master: 27 Nov 2007

Nov 27, 2007  at 10:02 AM

What happens after death? (continuation from an earlier post)

All suffering is caused by samskaras: memories of desires, the unfulfilled desires accumulated over births in our body, mind and spirit. NSP makes the inner space pure and clean; it dissolves all samskaras. The spirit leaves peacefully, blissfully. Death becomes liberation and a celebration for one without samskaras.

When you leave the body, you cross 7 different layers of your body: physical, pranic, mental, subtle, causal, spiritual and finally nirvanic. As soon as you leave the body, as the spirit leaves the physical layer, you undergo a tremendous pain, unmanageable pain. A small cut in your hand gives you so much pain. Can you imagine what the pain will be when your whole body, your consciousness from head to toe, is torn? The pain will be similar to the pain that you will undergo when you are stung by 10,000 scorpions at once! A little meditation while you are living will help you have a painless transition. It can heal and guide you at the time of passing away.

You must know the depth of the problem; otherwise, you will not go for the solution. (to be contd.)

This excerpt has been taken from the book: Beyond Life And Death

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