Ask The Master: 28 Nov 2007

Nov 28, 2007  at 9:18 AM

What happens after death? (continuation from an earlier post)

You much know the depth of the problem; otherwise, you will not go for the solution. When death happens, your consciousness will be torn from the body. There will be severe pain. Immediately, you will go into coma. Doctors say that coma is an automatic mechanism to combat the pain. It is automatic anesthesia. That is why, every ordinary man falls into coma before he leaves the body. Only the enlightened masters have a conscious death. There is no need for them to go into a coma. Many enlightened masters have passed away in the sitting posture. Paramahamsa Yogananda was one of them.

Next in the pranic space, your desires want to posses your body, but time refuses to allow them to do so. It is time to leave and move to the next body. In the struggle between your desires and time, it is only time that wins. Like this, step by step, you move into different spaces and enter the next body. You enter into another body in 3 kshanans (kshana is defined as the time between two thoughts).

As long as you are in this body, you will see the whole world in 4 dimensions. (to be contd.)

This excerpt has been taken from the book: Beyond Life And Death

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