Words From The Master

Jan 31, 2010  at 2:20 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 10:
Love is different from respect

The scholar Professor Nicholson, composed a Sufi* verse on love:
Love, Love alone can kill what seemed dead,
The frozen snake of passion. Love alone
By tearful prayers and fiery longing fed,
Reveals a knowledge schools have never known.
Any stone heart can be melted with love. Only love can melt your hardness. Only love can keep you porous.

Respect creates distance between you and the other. Love bridges the distance between you and the other. Only because people themselves have not experienced love, do they give respect as the rule of acceptable behavior. Respect is easier but not real. Love might be difficult only because not many know how to go about it, but it is real. With love, respect is automatic and authentic. With pure respect, the appearance of love is forced and may never be authentic.

Sufi – Mystical dimension of Islam.

Words From The Master

Jan 30, 2010  at 2:19 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 10:
Love is different from respect

Very often, love is confused with respect. From a young age, children are brought up to always show respect but never to show love. You can hear people teach the children, ‘You should respect your elders.’ You will hardly hear, ‘You should love your elders.’ That is the problem.

Respect sows the first guilt in you that you are something inferior. It makes you feel separate from the other person to whom you show respect. On the other hand, love sows the seeds of joy and unity in you. It makes you feel connected with the other person and with everything in Existence. With respect, there is fear. With love, there is authentic respect as well as the scope for deep understanding to happen. With respect alone, not much understanding is possible. With love, there is a possibility for tremendous understanding and transformation to happen. Love by its very nature is transforming. If softens and melts you.

Words From The Master

Jan 29, 2010  at 5:17 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 9:
Love Existence and feel It loving you

In India, there is a tradition of spiritual wandering where people walk by foot the length and breadth of the country, visiting many temples and pilgrim centers. I used to wonder how they were able to do that, especially going through forests, sleeping with wild animals and begging for food. The secret is that they start feeling connected with nature so completely that nature protects them beautifully. Whether it rains or shines, the animals and trees, everything, takes care of them. Even though this may be logically difficult to understand, it is the truth.

If you begin to live with a little respect and love for Existence and all its creations, you will be able to recognize these things happening in your own life as well. Nature will simply reciprocate your love in many beautiful ways.

Words From The Master

Jan 28, 2010  at 2:15 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 9:
Love Existence and feel It loving you

Existence is not a thing. It is a living energy being. Every single tree, every single stalk of a plant responds to your love and hate, your every thought.

Cleve Backster*, a polygraph expert, has conducted several experiments to examine the response of plants to human emotions and thoughts. He discovered that plants would respond to human thought in a way similar to how a human being would respond. A simple thought by a person about burning the leaves of the plant would register erratic movement in the polygraph recording of the plant! Backster* called this response ‘Primary Perception’ – the ability of plant, animal and human cells to perceive and respond to any thought.

On one occasion, Backster* recorded graphs that registered a flat line that suggested the plants were in a state of shock. He asked the owner of the plant if she had done anything to hurt the plants. The lady told him, ‘I roasted a few of its leaves to get their dry weight!’

When you start loving Existence, it begins responding to you in beautiful ways. You start rising above all of the differences around you – differences between people, situations, emotions, between anything and anything. Everything merges into unity. And that is the truth. Everything is part of one Whole. And love is the only thing that can make you realize this truth.
Cleve Backster – A polygraph expert who studied behavior of plants subjected to threats and affection using the lie detector equipment.

Words From The Master

Jan 27, 2010  at 2:14 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 8:
Love yourself first

For a few minutes every day, just sit by yourself and feel overflowing love towards yourself. Feel what a wonderful being you are. Feel how much you have taken yourself for granted. Feel yourself as part of Existence and love yourself for it. Melt with the feeling of love for yourself. If you practice this everyday you will see that where you were once hard and self-centered, now you have become soft and loving.

When you deeply settle down within yourself with peace and love, bliss will explode in you. When your nerves are clean, when your nervous system is cleaned by peace, bliss will explode. You will start expressing the same bliss that is expressed in the master’s body language.

Then when people love you, you don’t feel guilty or unworthy because just as they love you, you love yourself too. You become ready to receive love from others. Usually when others show love to you, you feel guilty or unworthy because you don’t feel you are worth being loved. Once you settle within yourself with deep love, you will receive others’ love with joy.

Words From The Master

Jan 26, 2010  at 2:12 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 8:
Love yourself first

The big problem today is that most people don’t love themselves. Society never teaches that it is possible to love ourselves. Understand that unless you love yourself, you cannot possibly love another person. Only when you lose yourself to yourself can you lose yourself to others. We are taught that we can only love even ourselves if we have a reason. If we perform well, we love ourselves. If we fail, we hate ourselves. We apply the same logic to others. We love them only because of something, never without a cause or a reason.

When you don’t love yourself, you become cynical and negative towards life. When you were alone in your mother’s womb, you were completely loving and blissful. In your aloneness in the womb you experienced your loving self. That is why you will see that you assume the fetal posture whenever you lie down with insecurity. Blissful aloneness is your original nature. Once you came into the world, society conditioned you to believe that you needed people and television to be loving and happy. It never nurtured your original quality. Your original quality is blissful aloneness. If you get back in touch with that, you will settle down and feel peaceful and relaxed within yourself.

Words From The Master

Jan 25, 2010  at 2:11 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 7:
Be a lover every moment

Real love keeps you in the moment. It gives you tremendous awareness. That is why it is so powerful. Nothing is as intense as being in the moment. Love is experiencing life moment to moment, in its totality. And it is not about two persons or any object. It is just love for love’s sake, that’s all. If you get a glimpse of real love experienced in the moment, you can nurture it within you and make it grow to fill your whole being and life. That spark is enough!

Then you become a wonderful creator because love energy is also creative energy. That is why poets express such creativity. They lose themselves in love and become blissful creators. Out of the freshness of the moment, the creativity happens.

The Sufi* mystic Jalaluddin Rumi* says, ‘Wherever you are, whatever your condition is, always try to be a lover!’ The whole of Existence is in a deep romance with itself. You are part of it. So it is your nature to be a lover every moment. Only by being that can you experience the real fulfillment of your original nature.
Sufi – Mystical dimension of Islam.
Jalaluddin Rumi – 13th century Persian Sufi poet.

Words From The Master

Jan 24, 2010  at 2:18 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 7:
Be a lover every moment

If you become lost in every moment, you become love. Then, when you work you work with the utmost focus because you are in deep love with it. This way, your very life becomes a deep meditative love.

Then you start feeling, relating and respecting everything as a living being, just as you are. You even start feeling the other person’s thoughts. You start responding and relating to the other person without him or her opening up to you. You feel the cosmos as a translucent, ever living presence. You have tremendous intelligence. You know exactly how to connect to things. Such is the power of love.

Upcoming Event: Kalpataru in Mumbai

Jan 23, 2010  at 7:37 AM

Words From The Master

  at 2:17 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 7:
Be a lover every moment

Encounter any situation in life with deep love. Soon you will become pure love. Whether it is a person or your work or a passerby or god or anything, just encounter it with deep love for love’s sake. If you are a painter, just be completely in love with painting. If you are a dancer, be completely in love with dancing. If you are working with your computer, treat it with utmost love and become lost in it. Just be completely sincere and completely in love every moment.

If you are painting and at the same time thinking about which gallery to put up the painting in or how much to sell it for, then be very clear, you are not lost in love. You are in love only with some particular thing, which is money in this case. If you are dancing while calculating what you will get once you finish the dance, then be very clear you are not lost in love. You create more and more bondage by doing this. Even when a master happens in your life you do the same thing to him.

I tell people, ‘I am showing you the moon by pointing at it with my finger. If you look at the moon, you will experience what I experience. Instead if you cling to my finger, you will neither see the moon nor will you relax!’

Words From The Master

Jan 22, 2010  at 2:24 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 6:
Ego disconnects – Love connects

Bliss arises from love. Love is the poetry that connects you back to Existence. Love is the sword that slays the ego and merges you with the ocean. When the heart is full of love, your whole life is transformed from prose to poetry, from noise to music and from discord to harmony.

It is such sheer joy to simply exist. Just ‘to be’ is enough. But we need to be sensitive to feel the joy of being. We need to grow feelers. The feelers are what we call love. Love feels the joy of just being. When you grow the feelers of love, life is no longer made of independent thoughts but becomes a continuous feeling. Then the ego starts to dissolve. Once we have moved from thinking to feeling, there is only one more step and that is from feeling to being. That is very simple.

The first step is difficult, to move from thinking to feeling. The ego has trained the mind to think so much, that’s why. The second step comes almost automatically. There’s nothing we need to do for it to happen. From feeling to being, the distance is nothing at all. It can happen at any moment. The poet can become the mystic at any moment. He is almost there. The real problem is how to get out of our thinking and get more and more into feeling.

Just follow the heart. Just love more, that’s all! Feel more. Enjoy more so that you can feed your heart. Watch the sunrise, sunset, clouds, rainbows, birds, flowers, animals, rocks, and people and watch them with awareness. Look into their eyes. Existence is so multidimensional. Look into every dimension like a poet. Praise it. Feel it. Be ecstatic! Expand your consciousness and experience every single detail of Existence with love. Slowly, the ego will lose its hold and disappear.

The only barrier to love is fear. When things start happening, we become fearful because with love we enter into a merger. This threatens the very basis of our ego. Ego is separateness while love is a merger. The fear we feel is nothing but the fear of the dissolving ego. Let the fear be there. It will hang around for a while. If we simply ignore it, the ego will leave us. It is a great day when fear of losing the ego leaves us. From then on growth becomes simple, easy and spontaneous. Then we are not, only love is.

Words From The Master

Jan 21, 2010  at 2:11 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 6:
Ego disconnects – Love connects

The mind is part of the ego. It knows how to close, but it does not know how to open. To love means to open up, to surrender. It means opening up to Existence, to the flowers, to the bees and to the stars. How do we open to this beautiful music that fills the whole of Existence? How do we open up to this celebration that goes on and on – flowers dancing in the wind, trees enjoying the wind and the stars, always in a state of bliss? Except for man, everything else seems to be in harmony.

Man falls out of harmony because he has what is called ‘consciousness’ which is not present in other living creatures.

Consciousness can do two things. It can create ego or it can create egolessness. If it creates ego, we live in hell. If it creates egolessness, we live in paradise. The whole world is in paradise without knowing it. When man enters paradise, he enters knowing it fully. That is the grandeur and beauty of man. That is the danger as well, because it is easier to fall into the trap of the ego and not enter into paradise than to enter paradise knowingly.

The problem is that we have forgotten who we are and for what we were created. We are emperors of love, but we dream that we are beggars. We have the whole kingdom of Existence within our being and yet we continue to beg for mundane things. We keep collecting mundane things not knowing that we have infinite, inexhaustible treasures within our being. We are oceans, yet we are thirsty because we have become disconnected from our own selves. But no matter how disconnected we are, no matter how much we have forgotten and how long we have forgotten, it can be remembered in a single moment and we can become connected immediately.

Love is the connector.

Words From The Master

Jan 20, 2010  at 2:20 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 6:
Ego disconnects – Love connects

The way to be in bliss is to dissolve into the ocean, not to be a drop but to merge with the ocean. To be a drop is to be with ego. The ego is the root of all misery. When the ego is absent, bliss reaches us from every nook and corner of the ocean of existence, as if it were just waiting for the ego to disappear.

Ego is a closed state of consciousness. All the windows and doors are closed. Life itself becomes insulated and encapsulated. Our ego surrounds us like a capsule. Our ego is like a sealed capsule, there is not even a small gap to allow anything to enter. It closes itself due to fear and shrinks into itself. That is how we create misery for ourselves.

Love is being in the flow with Existence, to be totally with it. Ego is like frozen ice. Love is like liquid water. Only when we are liquid do we become part of the ocean. Then we don’t have any private goal or destination. Each moment is blissful, incredibly ecstatic, just going with the plan of the cosmos.

Words From The Master

Jan 19, 2010  at 2:58 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 6:
Ego disconnects – Love connects

If the cosmos is a grand ocean, we are all part of it. We are one with the ocean, not individual drops in the ocean. When we think of ourselves as individual drops, we feel separate in our boundary and in our feelings. This is what is called ego. We become driven by feelings of ‘I’ and ‘mine’. As long as this separation remains, we never experience the energy of the ocean that is love, we can never experience that causeless and surging love.

As long as we remain a drop in the ocean, we say ‘no’ to life. We neither love nor trust. We don’t feel blissful either because bliss is possible only for those who know how to love and trust. It happens only to those who know how to feel part of the ocean. Bliss is possible only when our heart says ‘yes’, when the ‘no’ completely disappears from our being. ‘No’ is darkness, ‘yes’ is light. ‘No’ is ego, ‘yes’ is egolessness. ‘No’ is the way of the unconscious person. ‘Yes’ is the way of the awakened one. All the conflict, all the suffering in our life is because of our saying ‘no’. ‘No’ is a fight, a war with Existence. ‘Yes’ is love, peace with Existence. ‘Yes’ is deep accord with the totality of who we are – the ocean. Bliss is another name for that accord, that harmony.

Words From The Master

Jan 18, 2010  at 2:57 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 5:
Be open – not philosophizing

With philosophy, you have fixed ideas, and you become very assertive. When you are too assertive, you can’t love. Assertion is an aggressiveness that does not allow love to come in. When you are too sure and filled with preconceived ideas, then where is the space for love to enter? Love needs beautiful space in order to blossom.

With philosophy, there is no room for love to settle in its existential state. If you really want to experience the taste of nectar, can you experience it through just a set of ideas about it? No! You need to taste the nectar yourself, give it some space, allow it to fill you and settle in its existential state. Only then you will know its taste. In the same way, to experience love, just a few ideas alone will not help. You need to allow it to grow in its existential state in your inner space. Then you will know it. Allow it to happen in your heart, not in the head. Decide to be with the heart. Then it will grow and happen.

What was once a failure within the head can become a success within the heart! Love is really a success of the heart that every individual should experience. It is easy to stay in the head. It is, after all, a mundane and familiar intellect. It requires courage to come down to the heart, because with the heart nothing is familiar, everything is fresh. At the head level you have a solid identity and familiar patterns. At the heart level there is no identity, no pattern. It is an open space. To enter into it, you need tremendous courage. That is why love is fearful for many people. It is an unfamiliar zone. With the head, there is comfortable familiarity.

Words From The Master

Jan 17, 2010  at 2:53 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 5:
Be open – not philosophizing

A small story:
Ten philosophers were imprisoned in a country. They were kept together in one cell. They decided that somehow they should escape from the prison. They sat and made a big plan. They got the mold of the prison door key and made a duplicate key.

Finally, they chose the date of escape. The whole plan was clearly laid out. They decided that on the particular night, two of them will open the prison door with the duplicate key and signal to the others. The others would escape and these two would follow after locking the door behind them.

The day of escape dawned and two of them went to open the door. The rest of them waited for the signal. They waited and waited but never got any signal. Three hours passed. Suddenly the two who had gone to open the door came back and said, ‘We have to drop our plan to escape. It can’t happen today. We will have to do it some other day. We will have to reschedule our escape.’

The others asked, ‘Why, what happened?’

They replied, ‘What to do? The foolish guards forgot to lock the prison door!’
Those who philosophize cannot think of anything new! It has to be the same old mental setup. If there is some change or some new situation, they cannot think creatively to deal with it, because they are not open. They are like a closed circuit.

We have also become like philosophers when dealing with our lives. We are stuck in patterns of the past. We are never in the moment. If anything new happens, we are at a loss.

The person who experiences the ‘ever living presence’ experiences life in its freshness. He is also the one who is open and available. He constantly experiences the oneness with everything around him. Understand, being open means respecting every thing as equal to you. It means considering each other as equal and being open to change. ‘Available’ means that you are clear that the source of everything in this universe is Existence and that you are available to it every moment. That is the meaning of being available. It is recognizing the profundity of Existence of which all things are part. If you are open and available, you are no more a philosopher. You are ready to open up to life with love.

Words From The Master

Jan 16, 2010  at 2:50 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 5:
Be open – not philosophizing

If you observe, you will have a very definite mental setup towards the people you live with everyday. You will practically know all the dialogues that might happen between you and them. You will know exactly that if you start the conversation in a particular way, in just what way the other person will respond! If you start the dialogue in another way, you will know exactly how the other person’s response will change. You have a virtual script of all the possible everyday dialogues in your head.

Only if someone comes up with a new dialogue or behavior are you a little shaken or disturbed, and you don't know how to answer or react. Those are the only few minutes you start wondering about how to respond. Otherwise, you know the dialogue for the whole day. You know how it should start, when it will take a turn and how it will end. It is a dead dialogue. There is no life in it.

The problem is that we have all practically become philosophers. We don’t understand that life is not philosophy. It is spontaneous flowing energy. It is new every moment. Philosophy is all about repeating the same old things in different ways, that’s all. There’s nothing fresh in it. Life is fresh every moment. Philosophy robs life of the freshness.

Master's Message for Year 2010

Jan 15, 2010  at 9:40 AM

Swamiji's message for the New Year as video clip on Youtube.

Words From The Master

  at 2:13 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 4:
Love brings great courage

A beautiful incident happened in the life of Ramanuja. If you study the life of Ramanuja, you will see how he used every step of his life to move towards enlightenment.
When his teacher initiated Ramanuja, he gave him a special chant. The teacher told him not to pass on the chant to anybody and that if he did so, he would go to hell. Ramanuja asked him what would happen to the others with whom he might share it. The teacher said that they would be led to salvation.

What would we have done? Naturally we would have kept quiet, thinking, ‘Why unnecessarily go to hell?’

Ramanuja immediately stood on a platform in a temple and called out to the whole village. He loudly pronounced the chant given by his teacher and told the people, ‘Let you all go to heaven! I am not bothered about me going to hell. Let you all reach heaven!’
When you are deeply in love, you feel as if your whole being is open and you are ready to go to any extreme for the sake of anybody. You are ready to go to any boundary, as there is nothing to protect within your being. Your being is totally open. You don’t feel insecure when you are wild with love. That is why people who are in love always do risky things. They take the risk because they feel they have nothing to lose. There is no insecurity about anything. They feel so expansive. Love gives tremendous courage and energy. It opens you up. It makes you finally available to yourself. As of now, you are not available to yourself. Love can make you available to yourself.

When the teacher saw what Ramanuja did, he admitted that he learned a lesson from his disciple and declared that Ramanuja had reached greater heights than him. He told Ramanuja, ‘You are in a different space now.’

Ramanuja – Founder of the Vishishtadvaita or modified duality principle. Along with Adi Shankara and Madhva, considered to be one of the three great teachers of Hindu philosophy.

Words From The Master

Jan 14, 2010  at 2:22 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 3:
Love heals five types of restlessness

If you observe when I speak, I often give long gaps between words. The gaps are actually used to bring down your spiritual restlessness. When you sit in front of the television, you are able to sit so comfortably because information is just pushed into your being without a break. You aren’t given a chance to experience your restlessness. So while your restlessness is actually supported and increased, you don’t experience it and you feel very comfortable.

But here, if you have the patience to sit and listen to these words with the gaps, your spiritual restlessness will come down and the tendency of your mind to ask for the next thought will also come down. You automatically become receptive and these words will not only touch your head, but they will directly touch your heart as well. If you are totally relaxed and at ease with yourself without too many thoughts, your being will open, taking in everything and be healed.

If your mind is calm, just listening is enough. There is no need to even meditate separately later. The very listening itself can create the experience in you. If your listening is not proper, then it is difficult for the experience to happen. J. Krishnamurti*, the famous philosopher says, ‘Listening is god.’ Deep and total listening without restlessness is divine. That itself is god. If you look deeply into your being, the very presence of the master that causes love to happen in you heals the spiritual restlessness.

So even simple, normal love heals all five types of restlessness.

Words From The Master

Jan 13, 2010  at 2:21 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 3:
Love heals five types of restlessness

Ultimately, we come to spiritual restlessness. There are so many people who can sit with others, who can sit with the television, who can sit with newspapers, but who can’t sit with themselves. This is what is called spiritual restlessness. Spiritual restlessness means that you cannot sit with yourself. You can give appointments to everybody else but not to yourself!

Your love for the teacher or the master can heal your spiritual restlessness. Many people come and tell me, ‘Swamiji, just sitting in your presence puts us in a calm state but when we go back home, we are not able to remain in that calmness. Why is it so?’ When you are in the presence of an enlightened person, you start relating, you start expressing your love towards him automatically. This heals your spiritual restlessness.

Words From The Master

Jan 12, 2010  at 2:20 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 3:
Love heals five types of restlessness

The fourth form of restlessness is emotional. Mental restlessness is different from emotional restlessness. Mental restlessness is purely intellectual and can be controlled easily. But emotional restlessness cannot be controlled by just a few words of consolation. It can be healed only when you express love. When you start radiating love, it floods your being with energy. When your being is opened to such higher energies, it heals the emotional restlessness.

Words From The Master

Jan 11, 2010  at 2:17 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 3:
Love heals five types of restlessness

The third form of restlessness is mental. Any mental restlessness can be healed by love. Research indicates that when you care for pets or play with children, you reduce the possibility of heart attacks and also reduce the risk of fatal diseases!

Words From The Master

Jan 10, 2010  at 2:15 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 3:
Love heals five types of restlessness

The second kind of restlessness is physical. Physical restlessness is nothing but a constant tension in your body for no particular reason. It is said that all such tension can be released when you express love to somebody. You may ask, ‘How can love take away physical restlessness?’ You can see for example, a mother who has a child to look after will feel continuously rejuvenated in spite of the child driving her crazy! Because of the love element, she will cope with the tension. Otherwise, taking care of children is not an easy job!

The rejuvenation happens because of the love and care the mother feels for the child. Any tension or restlessness in the body disappears when you care for somebody, when you smile at somebody, when you express love in your body language, even if it is just once.

When you express yourself through your head, it is called intelligence. When you express yourself through your heart, it is felt as love. When you express yourself through your being, it is experienced as energy. When your relax into your being without expressing, it is bliss! Each one is the same energy but expressed in four different ways.

So whenever you express love, you express energy also. Love is concentrated, caring energy. So naturally, whenever you express love you become a channel for healing energy. When you are a channel for energy, you not only heal others but heal yourself as well.

Words From The Master

Jan 9, 2010  at 2:14 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 3:
Love heals five types of restlessness

The first kind of restlessness happens due to your circumstances. Sometimes, in a particular place or situation you feel restless. If you move from that place or situation, you feel more settled. Even under uncomfortable circumstances, if you just show a gesture of love to someone, or if someone shows a gesture of love to you, things can become instantly better for you! It can heal you.

Words From The Master

Jan 8, 2010  at 2:18 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 3:
Love heals five types of restlessness

A small story:
A school boy fell in love with girl from his own grade.

One day he was kidnapped by an extremist group and sent to a camp across the border for training. A few months later he came back to his homeland to spread terror.

He entered his village to find that the family of his beloved was killed by terrorists.

He met the girl and they started talking. She told him how much she hated what was happening and begged him to stop what he was doing. She told him she would marry him only if he surrendered to the authorities.

The boy immediately surrendered and joined the army fighting the insurgency while carrying a photograph of the girl in his pocket all the time.
Let us first talk of simple, practical love that you share with someone for some reason, either because the person will support you socially or support you when you face some difficulty or just because you want to maintain a good relationship with that person. For any of these reasons you may show love. Even this type of love heals you from the following five kinds of restlessness.

Words From The Master

Jan 7, 2010  at 2:10 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 3:
Love heals five types of restlessness

The word ‘love’ is loaded with so many different meanings, interpretations and commentaries. First, let us leave out the idea of selfless and spiritual love. Let is first consider the normal, simple love with all its possessiveness, jealousy and all the side effects it causes! Even that love can do a lot of good for the body and mind. Later we will discuss selfless, spiritual love or mature love.

The other day I was reading an article in a magazine. The title was, ‘Live Forever’. I was amazed to read it. It gave eleven techniques to extend your life by at least twenty years and it was supported by statistics and survey reports. All the eleven techniques were related to love. It said that even caring for a pet animal releases a hormone in us that allows us to live at ease with our body. If caring for our pet animals does so much, surely caring for the husband or for wife will do a lot more!

The article also spoke of how people die early if they are single or widowers and how life is extended with love. It also spoke of how chances of getting cancer or depression are less when you have love in your life. Even what we call ordinary love, simple infatuation, can do miracles for our body and mind. It can give us a deep feeling of healing and wellbeing.

According to Tantra, five types of restlessness happen in a person and all of these can be healed by ordinary love, by the simple caring for one another. Once again, I am not speaking of spiritual love or devotion or selfless love. That comes later.

Words From The Master

Jan 6, 2010  at 2:13 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 2:
Love cannot be created

When real love happens, we overflow with so much energy that we will have the courage to share whatever we have with others. We get tremendous confidence because we know it has happened in us! Whether it is energy, time, talent or pleasure, only when we are overflowing can we really share it. Similarly, love happens only naturally, never through compulsion. If we try to create love, it will be like forcing open the petals of a flower to make it bloom. Can it be called flowering? No. Love is a flower that blossoms deep within your being and sends out a sweet fragrance that we share with others.

Words From The Master

Jan 5, 2010  at 2:11 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 2:
Love cannot be created

Love can never be made to happen with just our logical decision. Our mental setup itself should be created in such a way that we become love and our actions speak love. Our logic should start radiating a love that is beyond logic! When real love happens in us, we will not even be aware that we are loving. Only others will be aware that we are radiating love.

Words From The Master

Jan 4, 2010  at 2:59 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 1:
What is Love?

All human beings are born as loving beings. A newborn baby radiates causeless love. Does she know anyone around her at birth? No! Her energy is causeless love. As we grow, society instills fear and greed in us and we orient our love based on greed and fear. Then it is no longer causeless love. It is love with a reason. It becomes suffocating. We start feeling other emotions like jealousy, fear and anger. We experience only love with a cause, a reason. But with a little awareness and awakening, it is possible to reclaim our original love.

Words From The Master

Jan 3, 2010  at 2:56 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 1:
What is Love?

To tell you honestly, it is very difficult to define love exactly. Mere words cannot express it precisely. I am trying to use a few words here and there so that some word will click within you.

Love is an intense experience in one’s inner space. Many of us think love is a choice. We think experience and expression of love is a choice. We think that if we want to, we can handle love; otherwise we can let it go. No! It is not a choice as we think. It is a basic necessity of life.

When I say life, I don’t mean just breathing and staying alive. I mean being alive at the innermost being level, as a live Consciousness. If you can express love, if you can experience love, that is the only way of being alive as a Consciousness. If you don't experience and express love, you may inhale and exhale, but you can’t say you are a live being. There are so many animals, plants and other things that breathe day in and day out. You will continue to exist like them, that’s all.

A small story:

A disciple asked a Zen* master, ‘Does an enlightened master speak?’

The master said, 'No, an enlightened person never speaks. Only a person who doesn’t know enlightenment speaks.’

Then the disciple asked, 'So does an enlightened master keep quiet?'

The master said, ‘No, an enlightened master never keeps quiet. If he keeps quiet, then he is not enlightened.’

The disciple was puzzled. He asked, ‘You say he neither speaks nor keeps quiet. What does he do?’

The master replied, ‘He sings! His being sings. He neither speaks, nor keeps quiet. His very being sings.’
Love is the ultimate experience of a human being. When the experience happens, we will not be able to possess the experience, only the experience will possess us! That is what the master means. When the experience possesses us, whatever we do will be like a beautiful song. Any word that comes out will be poetry. Our being will be so light. We will simply float. Our walking will be a dance. Our body language will radiate grace. All our expressions will be of great service to humanity.

Words From The Master

Jan 2, 2010  at 2:02 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 1:
What is Love?

Whenever we look at something, the first thing we do is to calculate what we can get from it. It can be a person or an object, that doesn’t matter. Our thoughts start functioning either through fear or through greed to calculate what there is in the situation for us. Our attention is centered on that object or person.

It is possible to turn our attention towards our own inner space and ask, ‘What can I contribute?’, ‘What can I add?’, ‘How can I enrich others?’ If the process is only to ask, ‘What can I get out of it?’ then it is driven by lust. If the process asks, ‘How can I enrich it?’ it is driven by love! Lust is an energy that demands. Love is an energy that gives.

Words From The Master

Jan 1, 2010  at 2:47 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 0:

Psychology explains that thoughts arise in the brain, and emotions from the heart. Irrespective of where they arise from, thoughts and emotions are inseparable. Ancient scriptures say that thoughts create us. So do emotions. We become what our emotions are. Managing our emotions is crucial to transforming our lives.

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