Words From The Master

Jan 23, 2010  at 2:17 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 1:
Flow in Love – Living enlightenment is expressing overflowing love towards all.
Part 7:
Be a lover every moment

Encounter any situation in life with deep love. Soon you will become pure love. Whether it is a person or your work or a passerby or god or anything, just encounter it with deep love for love’s sake. If you are a painter, just be completely in love with painting. If you are a dancer, be completely in love with dancing. If you are working with your computer, treat it with utmost love and become lost in it. Just be completely sincere and completely in love every moment.

If you are painting and at the same time thinking about which gallery to put up the painting in or how much to sell it for, then be very clear, you are not lost in love. You are in love only with some particular thing, which is money in this case. If you are dancing while calculating what you will get once you finish the dance, then be very clear you are not lost in love. You create more and more bondage by doing this. Even when a master happens in your life you do the same thing to him.

I tell people, ‘I am showing you the moon by pointing at it with my finger. If you look at the moon, you will experience what I experience. Instead if you cling to my finger, you will neither see the moon nor will you relax!’

Seek at Leisure