Words from the Master

May 26, 2009  at 2:27 AM

A small story:

A disciple was caught in a river one day.
He was terrified of his losing his life and he shouted out to his Master to save him from drowning.
The Master said, “Stand up!”
The disciple screamed out, “How can I? I am drowning.”
The Master said, “Have I not taught you to help yourself? Now stand up!”
The disciple said, “Master, you are preaching to me at this moment of my impending death. Why don’t you just save me!”
The Master persisted, “I said, stand up.”
The disciple was enraged at the Master’s persistence.
He simply stood up. The water came up only to his knee!

I tell you: All your fears are nothing but the fear of your fears. If you shake off your fears and allow your intelligence to surface, you will find that your fears are just shadows of objects that don’t exist.

If you deeply analyze the fear of death, you will come to know that people are afraid to die because unconsciously, they feel that they should have been somewhere higher up than where they are now. They feel they have not reached their actual place in life and so they are not ready to leave.

Some people feel that others have cast eyes on them and so they have not been able to progress! The truth is: You have not cast your own eyes properly on yourself. That is why, even in your last days, you prolong your death.

If you properly analyze and understand your desires, fear and other emotions, you will not blame anyone for anything.

People who live their lives without any of these convoluted fears, will be able to live their death also. As I told you earlier, there are so many stories of living Masters who told their disciples exactly what time of what day they would die and they died that way.

So many of their disciples have learnt from their Masters’ death what they failed to learn from their teachings when they were alive. When we mean that they lived their death, we mean they were able to announce that they were going to die and died consciously. In their case, their death is literally ‘leaving their body’, that’s all.

This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.

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