Words from the Master

Nov 18, 2009  at 2:02 AM

A small story:

A boy once visited a King’s palace.
He requested to allow him to stay for a night in the palace.
The King agreed and the boy stayed.
The next morning, the boy came up to the King and complained endlessly about the shortcomings of the accommodation provided to him.
The King ordered the boy to be taken out saying that even a day’s accommodation was too much for a person such as him.
The boy felt very bad and went to a Sufi Saint and narrated to him the happenings.
The Saint did not say anything. He simply asked the boy to become his disciple.

A few months later, the Saint told the boy that he was going to visit the king and asked him to accompany him.
They went and asked to be allowed to stay for a few days in the palace.
The king agreed.
The next morning, the king asked the Saint if he was comfortable with the arrangements made for him.
The Saint expressed heart-felt gratitude towards the King for the comforts made for him.
The King was very happy and immediately ordered his men to pay more attention to the arrangements made for the Saint.
The Saint told the boy, “Do you see now? This is the secret of life. Feel grateful and you will be showered.”

This is what happens when you thank Existence instead of finding fault with what has been given to you. By feeling gratitude, you send out positive vibrations that will automatically bring back more than you can imagine for yourself.

This does not mean that you have to praise people with your lips and cunningly deceive them to get more. No! When you are in a state of thankfulness all the time irrespective of the things in the outer world, your gratitude will radiate from you. Then, things will simply start happening for you.

This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.

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