Words from the Master

Nov 17, 2009  at 2:02 AM

A small story:

Two goldfish were inside a fish tank.
One of them asked the other, “Do you really believe in the existence of God.”
The other replied, “What else do you think changes our water everyday?”

If you believe that Existence takes care of all your needs, you will be free from any kind of worry. But remember, as I told you, your needs are different from your wants. Your needs are few but your wants are many. Your needs are automatically fulfilled by Existence. When your wants increase, you lose faith in Existence because you don’t see them being fulfilled.

You see, ordinary belief is just believing, that’s all. Faith on the other hand is belief plus energy to put it into action. You can start with belief but you have to end in faith. With belief, there will be a doubt, with faith there will be no doubt, because you would have experienced it. When you have experienced for yourself the wonders of gratitude, you will attract more and more fortune for yourself. I am declaring this from my own experience.

This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.

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