Words from the Master

Oct 18, 2009  at 2:52 AM

When you are loving, flowing, filled with gratitude, you will always feel the tremendous energy of Existence flowing through you and you will always be with a sense of fulfillment, not because of any gains but because it has become your very Being! This fulfillment is the ultimate fulfillment that every man is seeking, although he is not aware of it. He searches for it again and again in all material things and keeps missing it.

Whether you accept it or not, Existence is taking care of you and all you need to do is, place your faith in it and do your duty with gratitude. You will then be showered upon by Existence.

But we don’t have faith.

A small story:

One man lived without any faith in God.
Suddenly one day, he fell from a hilltop and found himself dangling from just the grip of a tree’s root.
He was filled with terror.
He suddenly remembered people talking about God all the time.
He thought to himself, ‘why not try to ask God for help’ and he cried out, “Oh God! I have never had faith in you; are you really there? Can you save me now?”
The voice of God thundered back, “Sure son, just let go of the root that you are holding and I will hold you from beneath.”
The man cried out again, “Is there anyone else out there who can help me!”

We are simply not ready to place our trust on Existence! The very quality of trusting the Universe in your Being will make you live like God on Earth! You are missing out on this wonderful opportunity due to your own ignorance and ego.

If we consciously feel a sense of continued gratitude towards the Cosmic Energy, we will be able to feel ourselves being taken care of in its very lap. We will feel ourselves being cradled by this Energy, like a child is by the Mother and whether you accept it or not, this is the Truth.

This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.

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