Words from the Master

Aug 27, 2009  at 2:22 AM

We all are ready to categorize and label all that we see in our lives. In the event, we simply rob life of its spontaneity. We categorize people, places, situations, everything that comes our way.

A small story:

A man once went to a movie theatre to watch a film.
The film started with the caption of a famous International Studio, which had produced that film.
The man said to himself, “Oh! I’ve seen this movie before!” and got up and walked away.

(Loud laughter!)

Every movie of that production comes with the stamp of that particular studio and the man concluded upon seeing it that he had seen the movie before! He simply missed, that’s all.

This is how we all are; adults especially. Children are not like that. They see everything with freshness. They are so full of life; they are not dead like us.

When you go to the beach, just watch the children, how excited they are. Whereas when you go to the beach, you feel you know the beach already. Even the incomparable freshness and beauty of nature comes through your tinted eyeglass. You are not able to drop the glass you are holding. The beach simply becomes yet another place for you to reinforce your so-called knowledge. Let me tell you: If at all you feel you are not enjoying life, it is because of your mind, because of your solid ego; not because life is not beautiful.

One man went to Switzerland for a holiday and returned after a month.
He met his friend one evening and decided to go out for a meal.
The friend asked him, “So did you enjoy the beautiful scenery in Switzerland?”
The man replied, “Yes, kind of. But the mountains kept coming in the way.”

(Loud laughter!)

We are so insensitive; we are so far away from nature. There is so much of beauty around us, but we are incapable of enjoying it, and we complain that there is nothing to enjoy.

The capacity to enjoy is within you. Don’t blame anything outside for it. As a child, you enjoyed everything around you. What happened after that? You became serious and forgot how to enjoy. You got dulled by your so-called knowledge.

This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.

Seek at Leisure