Words from the Master

Aug 26, 2009  at 2:20 AM

Alright... now… let us move to another important form of ego – the ego that comes with Knowledge.

As you grow, you collect judgments about people through your interaction, and data from scriptures and books. These two together make up your knowledge, your whole mental setup. Anything that you see, you see through this mental setup.

Anything that you see becomes merely a supportive argument to your already formed conclusions. You are almost like a corpse! There is no scope for any growth in you. You are all the time looking through a glass of a particular colour – a colour that you have painted! You can’t imagine how much you are missing out in this wonder filled world because of this.

A small story:

One man was telling his friend, “Do you know, I really made a fool of myself.”
The friend asked, “Why, what happened?”
The man said, “I replaced ten cracked windows in my house and then discovered that I had a crack in my glasses!”

If we just look inward for one moment, we will understand that we are the common factor in all that we see. But somehow, we never want to look in. We feel that we know everything and there starts the problem. Mundane knowledge simply doesn’t give us a chance to evolve.

The most dangerous thing in this is, you feel you are solidified with your knowledge. You feel you have become a solid character by virtue of your knowledge. Little do you know that you have become a burden on your Being and nothing else.

Your Being is a river and you have made it stagnate with the so-called Knowledge. Real knowledge is in knowing how to drop the knowledge that comes your way and live like a child, flowing with spontaneity. You need to move from ego to spontaneity.

This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.

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