Words from the Master

Jul 16, 2009  at 2:11 AM

A total commitment and determination is needed and this will come automatically to you when you are ready; when you are ready to drop your mind - that is society, and live with your heart; when you are ready to stop pointing fingers at others and point to yourself, come what may; when you understand experientially that your mind is societal and your heart is natural.

And one more thing: When people ask you for proof of your experiences, just understand that there is no need to prove to them. Your experiences are so intimate and personal to you that you will not be able to effectively share it with the other person. In fact if you share it, you will be bringing down the whole experience. Also, the other person may not be willing to believe what you are saying. They may tell you that you are deluding yourself. They may want you to explain the whole thing logically.

Logic cannot explain these experiences. God is beyond logic. If logic can explain God, then logic has to be superior to God but that is not the case; so just relax and allow the experiences to happen to you. When anyone questions you, have the maturity to smile and move on. A smile can convey more effectively what you can’t in so many words.

Great enlightened Masters have experienced such tremendous joy in communion with Existence. People ask me to narrate my experiences. But I tell you, it is all so personal and intimate that I cannot explain it to you in words. I can guide you, I can show you the way, the path for you to experience. The moment I start explaining, it will become mundane.

But one thing: I can give you the highest assurance that you will experience, if you have the fire within you. The promise given by a Master is enough energy for you to achieve.

Just understand that the joy you experience has no reason. People are bound to think that you are mad when they see you joyful without a reason. They know only cause and effect relationships even in the context of joy. According to them, only an outside cause can cause joy inside you.

I am telling you all these things now in reply to your question about meditation and spirituality. You may think that we are moving away from the main subject. No! This chakra, this Vishuddhi chakra is all about expanding yourself; about discovering your own unique Self, with total awareness and understanding of the fact that there is no scope for comparison and jealousy in life. Just take in whatever I have told you and allow the energy behind it to transform you. I tell you, miracles can happen inside you! It will change the whole quality of your Being.

This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.

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