Words from the Master

Jul 15, 2009  at 2:09 AM

At one of our programs, I asked, how many of them thought that I had hypnotized them. Out of a group of eighty, three of them lifted their hands. One of the ladies who was sitting next to the girl who had her hand raised laughed at her. I asked her why was laughing. The girl was honest enough to lift her hand.

I am sure out of that group, many of them would have been tempted to lift their hands but didn’t, fearing what I might say! Anyhow, three of them lifted their hands. I told them that I had not hypnotized them, but had actually de-hypnotized them.

They have started feeling the clearing of maya or illusion. But what happens is, you are so used to being in a state of illusion, that if it starts clearing, you think something has gone amiss! The problem is, when too much truth is told to people and understanding dawns, a certain fear sets in. The comfort they were enjoying under the covers of ignorance suffers.

See, in whatever quantities your ignorance dissolves, in that much quantity you become possessed by God or Existence. Any effort that you put in your everyday life should be directed towards emptying yourself so that you may be filled with Existence. Everything else is just incidental and trivial in life. Remember this.

Every breath of yours should be towards increasing your awareness and consciousness. Only then have you really made a conscious decision to experience Existence or God. If this firm resolve is not happening in you, then you are still pretending to seek, that’s all. You are simply cheating yourself. Don’t for a moment think that you are cheating others. You are cheating yourself.

To turn your steps from outwards to inwards is the first step. That moment of taking the U-turn is the most significant moment. And mind you, your awareness will tell you that you have taken the U-turn. Till then, your mind would have been giving excuses and more excuses, citing people and situations and outer world circumstances as reasons for not being able to integrate yourself.

Once you take the U-turn, all these will fade into insignificance. They will slowly lose their prominence. They will be there no doubt, but you will be steadily progressing, taking them in your stride. They will help you become a more effective watcher as they play their parts meticulously. Taking the first step or the U-turn is what is the most difficult thing. When you take the U-turn, half the job is done. You then become more malleable to the ways of Existence.

When you take the U-turn, everything becomes meditation. Whether it is walking or talking or singing or dancing or simply putting your clothes on or taking them off, everything becomes a meditation and is done with increasing awareness.

You will simply watch yourself doing these things and slowly understand that the whole world is an illusion. When you take your first step inwards, you have in effect taken a leap because the first step is the real leap. Until then, you only philosophize, convince yourself and others that you are seeking and get more confused with lesser determination day by day.

When you take the first step, you are ready to win yourself. To win others is very easy. Just take a few weapons or use your tongue and simply tear them apart, that’s all. But to win yourself takes real courage. This Vishuddhi chakra is all about winning yourself.

When you look inwards, you are ready to win yourself. Of course, when you are on the path inwards, there might not be anything tangible to the people around you in what you are doing. Only you will know that everything is happening inside and not outside. Only you will be aware of the revolution that is happening inside you. Only you will be able to tell the growing intelligence inside you.

People around you will not be able to understand the experiences you are enjoying. I tell you: Never try to convince anyone that you are evolving inside. You may share your experiences with your spiritual friends who will be able to match your wavelength of thinking, but if you try to share these experiences with other people who are blissfully oblivious to the inner journeys, you will only land up in deep misery.

Just let the experiences happen in you; neither hold on to them nor run behind them. Allow them to work like steam on you so that you may fully ripen. If you hold on to them, you will stagnate at some point and miss the whole thing.

Remember that all these experiences are tell tale signs that you are well on your journey inwards. They are like signboards that you see on the roads. Do you cling on to the signboards and say that the destination has been reached? No. Don’t cling on to them. Move on to your destination.

This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.

Seek at Leisure