Words from the Master

May 24, 2009  at 2:21 AM

Yes…any questions to be answered?

Swamiji, is it that fear is normally associated more with women…?

You see: Men are mainly caught in the Muladhara chakra and women are mainly caught in the Swadhishtana chakra. That is why men are more lustful and women are more fearing. The fact is, they both know this and exploit each other appropriately!

The man knows where exactly to touch the woman’s weak chord. He will play with her insecurity and fear and exploit her. Similarly, the woman knows where the key lies with the man! She will play the game appropriately and exploit him. This is what goes on all the time in marriages.

Actually, at the time of Hindu marriages, a vow is taken wherein the man and woman vow to each other that they will both work towards exhausting each others’ karmas – unfulfilled actions and desires - in a smooth way, without accumulating any more karmas in this life.

But these days, people are not even aware that they have taken such a vow because they are not the ones who are getting married; the priests are the ones who do all the chants and get married!

It is such a beautiful vow that they take. You see: We have accumulated enough and more karmas in our lives. The only concern for us should be to exhaust them all at least in this birth, and attain liberation.

But what do we do? We exploit each other and play a cunning and vengeful game. We add to each others’ karmas and get further caught in the cycle of life and death. Still worse, we blame each other for it. If you watch the drama of marriage from outside, you will understand how each one creates karmas for themselves and end up blaming the whole world for it.

Only when you watch from outside you will understand what a foolish game is being played. I always tell people: For actors and actresses it would be so easy to watch life as a game because they are all the time assuming roles and enacting them. They are the closest to seeing life as a great drama. The rest of us are so caught up with our roles that it becomes a solid reality for us.

Women are more fearful because they are psychologically built that way. Man and woman are not only physiologically different but psychologically different as well.

This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.

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