Words from the Master

May 22, 2009  at 2:17 AM

A Master is one who will throw you upon the utter insecurity of life. He is the only one who gives you complete freedom. That is why with him, you feel insecure; you feel afraid. Freedom creates fear.

You will never feel utterly insecure in your other relationships because there is always some push and pull of greed, fear and anger that keeps you well settled in the familiar patterns of relationships. But with a Master, you are totally free. So you become afraid.

A small story:

A man was in prison for 20 years.
On the day of his release, he appeared very worried and tense.
His friend in the prison asked him, “What has happened to you? Why are you so worried?”
The man replied, “I am afraid. What will I do when I go out?”

The prison has created such a solid pattern of security for the man that he does not know what he will do when he goes outside! This is the danger of getting caught in patterns and security.

A Master will never offer you the security you are looking for. He will never offer you the patterns you are looking for. When you don’t get the security you are looking for, you will grow with deep centering within yourself; you will grow fearlessly because you know there is nothing to lose; and when you know there is nothing to lose, you have no fear.

To show you that there is nothing to lose, the Master throws you upon utter insecurity. Out of his deep compassion for you, out of deep concern for your growth, he doesn’t offer you security. When you don’t find the mundane security, you will find God; you will understand Existence.

This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.

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