Words from the Master

May 21, 2009  at 2:14 AM

Understand: Fear and love can never co-exist. If there is pure love in a relationship, there can never be fear. If there is fear, there can never be pure love. Be very clear: There is some vested interest in the relationship; there is some purpose, some objective, some expectation of security or greed or returns in the relationship. That is why fear sets in.

We look for security in every relationship. We need some security to settle down with comfortably. This is actually a kind of imprisonment that we enjoy. People talk of freedom, but I tell you: They are so afraid of it! They like only imprisonment. In the comfortable cushioning effect of imprisonment, they think they are free.

A small story:

A small girl asked her father one day, “Dad, what is the meaning of the word guaranteed?”
The father replied, “It means that something is made well and it will last for a long time.”
That night before going to sleep, the girl called out, “Good night guaranteed father!”

All of us look for security continuously in our lives. But we say that we are looking for freedom. If we are really looking for freedom, why are we looking for security? Why fear? As long as you have fear in you, you will look for security. Till then, you can only delude yourself by saying that you want freedom.

This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.

Seek at Leisure