Words from the Master

May 18, 2009  at 2:07 AM

Unless death becomes a conscious experience, the fear will never leave you. But you can do one thing: Repeatedly listen to these words; develop a conviction about them; try to see how your minor and major fears are actually related to the fear of dying; bring some clarity into all your day-to-day fears; see how interrelated all your fears are; bring awareness into your fears; then you will steadily evolve and come closer to the Truth.

We can categorize all our fears into five major categories: The first is fear of losing our wealth, our comfort, name and fame, prestige, and other outer world things. The second is the fear of losing our health, parts of our body through some accident or disease - the fears concerned with our physical health. The third is the fear of losing our mental health, our mental stability. The fourth is the fear of losing our loved ones, their love. The fifth is the fear of the unknown – fear of God, fear of ghosts and fear of Death itself.

Actually, if you deeply analyze our fears, all the five categories of fear are fear of death only. They manifest themselves in different ways, that’s all.

The main reason why people fear death is, they have not lived their lives totally. They are afraid because they feel desperate that they have not lived life enough. They feel this way because throughout their lives they have lived in memories of the past, in the anxieties of the future, for the sake of others, never in the present and what not.

Every action of ours has been due to the pull and push of each others’ ego, each others’ desires, each others’ emotions etc. If you deeply analyze your own life, you will understand what I am trying to say. You start your life where your parents left off. You simply take over the crown of desires, guilt, fear etc. that was passed down for generations and live your life and pass it down to the next generation before leaving, that’s all. You have never lived totally.

What do I mean by living totally? Try to live with more clarity, that’s all. Make the other people see sense in whatever they try to impose upon you. With clarity, you will be able to clearly identify what your own desires are, what others have imposed on you and what desires you have borrowed from others. The first set of desires alone need to be fulfilled without any harm to any person or property. The other two need to be dropped with the help of clarity.

If you live this way, you will no more be fulfilling others’ desires and you will be no more living others’ lives. You will live your own life, and experience fulfillment, and you will be ready to die when the time comes. You will have no lurking confusion and fear of death. I am not asking you to be selfish. I am only asking you to bring clarity into the whole thing.

This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.

Seek at Leisure