Words from the Master

May 17, 2009  at 2:05 AM

Because of your capacity to accept death as just a continuity in another form, your capacity to enjoy life is transformed. Your whole body relaxes; your Consciousness expands; your living capacity expands. Whether you accept it or not, every moment of your life, the fear of death lingers in the subconscious mind. By understanding death and fear of death, your life will turn out to be rich, not wealthy may be, but rich. Richness is what is really important in life.

But if I tell you all this now, you will not believe me. You will think that I am talking about impractical things.

A small story:

A man who had been born blind was promised a cure by a doctor.
The doctor assured the man, “After this operation, you will be able to see! You won’t need to use your stick anymore!”
Hearing this, the blind man became afraid.
He said, “Doctor, I understand that I will be able to see. But how can I possibly walk without my stick?”

The stick had become such an integral part of the blind man that he could not even relate to the fact that he can walk without the stick once he gets his vision! How can you explain to a blind man that once he gains his vision, he simply won’t need the stick? Right now he is too afraid. So all you can do is, perform the operation, and let him see for himself, that’s all. He will throw away the stick on his own!

In the same way, even if I tell you: All your fears are only the ultimate fear of death, your Self is immortal, it is only your body which perishes, and what not, you will still hold onto your own ideas of fear out of sheer fear, because you haven’t experienced it!

This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.

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