What is it that actually happens in the process of alchemy with metals? First, the impurities from the base metal are removed, then some components are added and then it is taken through a process. At the end of it, the base metal becomes a higher metal.
Our animal emotions have to be changed to Divine emotions. We all have lust, which is an animal emotion. One more thing: At least animals have pure lust. They simply forget the whole world when they are having a relationship. But for us, even our lust is not pure. It is there with feelings of guilt and desire all the time.
Either our conditionings from our past make us feel guilty and make us withdraw or intense desire to continue into the future makes us indulge more, only to feel guilty again. It is a vicious cycle of pulling and pushing as a result of which the lust is simply contaminated; it is not pure.
Always if you notice, the moment you fulfill your imagination, you are engulfed by guilt. That is why sex makes you feel guilty. Family instills the first sense of guilt in you when you are a child. Then, you master the art of creating guilt for yourself!
Understand guilt first. Anyone who wants to have a control over you, first instills guilt in you. They make you feel you are inferior in some fashion. Then automatically you follow what they are saying.
Man knows to control only through guilt. I tell you, rules are alright for children. It is good to start with rules. But it is important that you grow and be led by your own intelligence. When you integrate your personality, guilt cannot be instilled in you. Actually, an incident itself does not cause guilt in you. The effect of the incident is what causes the guilt in you.
People blindly pass down rules from one generation to another and with that is passed the guilt also. Like a crown, the guilt is passed down – grandfather to father, father to son, son to grandson and so on.
All the beauty products tell you repeatedly that you are not good enough. You start feeling guilty of your own inadequate body. What do you do? You go and buy their products and use them. You automatically fall under their control. Once you use them, you are engulfed with one more feeling of guilt – ‘did I go into all this trouble for this after all?’ The moment you achieve something, the first feeling that engulfs you is guilt.
Coming back to lust, your fantasy and imagination keeps you immersed in an unproductive cycle. You create a solid cerebral layer with all the imagination collected from all that you have seen in the television, internet, books and so on. You live mentally in this layer all the time. Even when you are in a relationship, you are relating with this layer; you are not relating with the actual wife or husband. The actual wife or husband becomes a poor substitute for the images in your mind. Your lust is then contaminated.
When you indulge in this fashion, you are caught up in a vicious cycle and that is why you don’t go deep into it and eventually come out of it but keep coming back with more and more craving. If you go deep into it, you will flower out of it!
That is why in the earlier days, people were able to drop their lust at the age of 40. They never had such complicated images in them. They related directly with their husband or wife. That is why they flowered out of it at an early age. They were able to move deeper into lust and come out of it. Lust simply dropped from them, they did not have to drop it.
This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.
Words from the Master
Apr 24, 2009 at 2:36 AM
Words From The Master