The beautiful thing about this Muladhara chakra is, if this one chakra is opened, you will find that 50% of your problems have disappeared! This one chakra manages more than 50% of your life. In whatever you do, you will find a trace of this chakra! Even in your signature, you’ll find a trace of this chakra! When the Muladhara chakra is activated, even your signature will look different. If you pluck a flower, the way you do it will be different.
There are a set of Tamil saints called the Nayanars. There is a song which says about them, that when they pluck a flower, the tree will not feel the pain! What do we mean by that? You become so sensitive and loving, when this chakra is opened. When the energy of this chakra is transformed, it will overflow from you as love!
Sex is carbon, love is diamond. Sex is mud, love is the lotus that blooms in the mud. It is the same substance – the only thing is, you should know how to process it. Just drop your expectations, and you will find a tremendous upsurge of energy.
Today I want you all to try this technique when you go home:
Sit down and concentrate on your Muladhara chakra. If you notice, your Muladhara chakra is always tense. It is always tight.
For five minutes, mentally forgive your husband or wife for anything disturbing that they have done. Really forgive them; go to the root and drop the feeling of resentment. Do it totally. Just accept them as they are. Give them your deep love.
After just five minutes, you will see that the Muladhara chakra is totally relaxed.
If just five minutes can give you this result, just imagine what will happen if you change your entire attitude! What a tremendous energy flow you will experience!
The way you are living now, it’s as if you’ve got one lakh rupees, but you’ve locked away ninety thousand in some place where you can’t recover it. You try to manage your whole life with the remaining ten thousand. Then naturally you will feel that you are poor!
In the same way, all our energy has been invested wrongly, it has been locked away in this chakra – in anger, in sex and what not. We don’t have enough energy even for our day-to-day living! Once this chakra is opened, your life will become rich. You will be able to think better, understand better, plan better. You will feel this energy consciously working in you. It will open a new dimension that you would not have experienced before. You will actually realize that your husband, your wife, and all others are spiritual beings!
Understand: Heaven and hell are not geographical places. You can’t locate them on a map. They exist only psychologically. It’s up to you to transform your life into heaven or hell. When you are full of expectations, you are carrying your own hell inside your head! So wherever you go, you’ll find that your personal package of hell travels with you! Like how a circus troupe carries and spreads its tents everywhere it goes, so too are you carrying this hell with you and living in it any place you go. There is no escape. And when two people meet, there is a great clash of hells, not bells!
Why do you want to carry this load around with you?
Just drop it!
Just think of all the energy you waste in trying to chisel the other person to suit your expectations. Isn’t it much easier to just drop the chisel? If even 10% of that energy is channeled into meditation, your life can be transformed into true living.
Living is ‘life led with awareness, with freedom’.
We have a choice!
We have a chance to become Conscious.
Now it is up to you to decide.
This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.
Words from the Master
Apr 21, 2009 at 2:19 AM
Words From The Master