Yoga a spiritual science to swami .
Source: Houston Chronicle [Archives]
Reporter: Barbara Karkabi
Saturday March 28, 2009.
When Enlightened Master Paramahamsa Nithyananda - a Hindu swami - visited Houston to demonstrate his method of yoga and meditation, 310 people signed up for his workshops. He practices yoga as a spiritual science, using poses, breathing and visualization to cope with stresses of every-day life. He took time to talk to Chronicle reporter Barbara Karkabi about his methods.
Q: Tell me what you are doing on this visit to Houston?
A: Teaching yoga and meditation for physical and mental health ... bringing more peace, more emotional balance, happiness and joy to life.
Q: How is your technique different?
A: I try to work with the body, inner breathing and emotions ... the inner chatterings.
Q: What are people here seeking your counsel on?
A: The economy. They are very troubled, very stressed.
Q: What do you tell them?
A: Two things. Whatever can be changed, use your intelligence and change. Whatever can't be changed, accept it and look for the next opportunity. This is life.
Q: So, if you fear you might lose your job?
A: Start looking for the next possibility with spirit and energy. I know it's very simple to say, but it's very difficult to practice. We have to face the reality and move on.
Q: You are 31 - young for a swami. Tell me about your life.
A: I was born in the southern part of India in a place well known for an unbroken lineage of enlightened masters for the last 2,000 years. It has the largest Shiva temple in southern India, built all in granite. At 17 I left home, traveled the length and breadth of India and studied at various monasteries for nine years.
Q: With no money?
A: It's a tradition. We are supposed to do the travel. We call it the sacred pilgrimage.
Q: Can you explain your enlightenment experience?
A: I was meditating and it came over me as a very strong experience. I felt infinite love and compassion for every being.
Q: So your specialty is yoga and meditation. What do other swamis offer?
A: I share knowledge about meditation and enlightenment, but some people specialize in rituals, devotions, yoga and different fields.
Q: You also feed people back in your village in India, correct?
A: Yes, we feed people and we have a school. And we give them one year free program. Whoever comes from all over the world, we give them free food, free stay, clothing and medical care, and give them spiritual knowledge for one year. Then they can go back and live their life happily.
Q: Do people have to call?
A: Yes, they have to call up and fix their entry date, and they need to have a valid visa.
Q: How many people do that?
A: Now, I think more than 400 people are doing it.
Q: Why do they come?
A: They come mainly for physical health and mental well being.
They want to try it out. And people who are really adventurous about spiritual seeking, they also come.
IN THE NEWS: 20 Apr, 2009
Apr 20, 2009 at 2:43 AM
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