Words from the Master

Apr 8, 2009  at 2:53 AM

A small story:

A man gave his friend a puppy as a wedding gift.
Three months later, he met him on the street.
“How is married life?” he asked him.
“Oh, just a few small changes over time, that’s all,” replied the friend.
“What changes?” he asked him.
“In the beginning, your puppy used to bark at me, and my wife used to bring me the newspaper. Now, my wife barks at me, and your puppy brings me the newspaper!” the man replied.

Once the honeymoon is over, what happens? No wonder it is called the honeymoon and not honeysun! The happiness takes only a fortnight to wane! I tell you, even if you marry a supermodel, her beauty will fade in just 15 days in your eyes because you are already fantasizing about something else! And you keep on fantasizing because you are actually looking for fulfillment within yourself but not knowing this, you are searching outside for it through various illusions.

One lady was advising her daughter on the subject of marriage: “Listen dear, when you love someone, it should be for life; only then it is real love.”

The daughter was listening to what she was saying.

The lady continued, “Take my words of advice. I know what I am talking about my dear. After all, I have been married thrice.”
(Loud laughter!)

The problem is, everyone is ready to give advice, but there is no one to take it! Everyone is ready to lecture on love, imagination, fantasy and what not. But when it comes to their own life, what happens to everything? It simply remains yet another fantasy, yet another imagination, that’s all!

Anyhow, at least at this point, if we accept reality, there is no problem. But do we keep quiet? No! We take out our brush and paints, and try to paint the white back into green! We try to change the other person to suit our mental image. This is the most damaging thing in any relationship. We try to sculpt each other in the way we have imagined them to be. We try to possess the other and convert them into matter. We degrade energy into matter. Here starts the problem – the unending war of life!

This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.

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