Words from the Master

Mar 20, 2009  at 2:11 AM

See, understand, that you have given a lot of power to your worries by simply talking about them more and more. For example, when a housewife picks up the telephone, she will start by telling her friend that the house maid did not turn up for the day. That is her depression for the day. If you are really depressed about the maid not coming and you are really interested in coming out of it, then you should simply drop it and finish doing the work yourself! Doesn’t this sound more logical?

But what do you do? You keep on talking about it and expect your friend to feed your depression as well. If she doesn’t sympathize with you or if she tells you that is how life is and you have to move on, you will make a call to another friend and tell that friend about how inconsiderate this friend was! Just think: If you really wanted to move on with your life, you would appreciate the words of the friend, is it not?

If you really wanted to come out of the depression and move on with life, you would definitely spend your intelligence on doing that. But why are you reacting differently? The reason is, you are so comfortable just talking about your worries and not finding a way out of it.

If you start doing the small exercise I just gave, you will see that all your worries simply disappear and you acquire a new mental set-up altogether. You will find a surge of energy within you because all the energy that you previously spent on harboring your worries is suddenly available to you!

Do an honest check for yourself and find out if you are secretly nurturing your worries and whether you are ready to take on the transformation.

When you stop going behind your worries, you will be able to see how others are helplessly caught up in that cycle. You will be able to see how they magnify their worries by endlessly talking about them to people. This ‘talking about worry’ is what I call ‘worrying about the worry’! Only when you are able to watch this, will it stop. Until such time you become the watcher, you are caught up in the emotions, giving so much of power and control to them.

Again I tell you: I am not asking you to run away from your worries. I am saying, don’t magnify them by talking about them. Don’t expend your energy on them. Instead, address them for what needs to be done so that they stop worrying you. Address them without loss of time, that’s all.

Check yourself to find out if you are starting to feel comfortable with your worries. This is the scale to see if worries are controlling you or you are controlling your worries. If you are feeling comfortable talking about them repeatedly without taking any action, then worries are controlling you. If you don’t linger on them and address them correctly, then you are controlling them!

This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.

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