Words from the Master

Mar 19, 2009  at 2:39 AM


Swamiji, there are books that say ‘don’t sweat for small stuff’. But small things do matter, is it not Swamiji?

When you function with intelligence, you will not fall into the category of sweating for small stuff.

A small story:

A young man went to visit his friend.
He found him scraping the wallpaper off the wall.
He asked him, “Are you repainting?”
The friend replied, “I am moving house.”

You see, you cannot ignore the small things. But you should be intelligent enough to pay only the amount of attention it warrants, else you are starting to sweat. Never listen to people when they say not to pay attention to small things. Remember: Small holes can sink a great ship. Just understand that you need to operate with your intelligence and awareness when you are at it.

First of all, you need to be absolutely convinced about the so-called small things that you are concerned about. If this is there, then there is no self-contradiction and automatically you will find the energy to do those things. When you are not fully convinced, you will not have enough conviction and energy to go behind it and get it done your way. It means that your intelligence is not fully behind you, because intelligence is energy and energy is intelligence.

If you are sweating about them, then there is something wrong somewhere. Be very clear: All miseries arise because of self-contradictions. You yourself are not fully clear about what you want to do and so you are unable to do it. For that clarity to happen, you need to nurture your own intelligence.

When intelligence surfaces, self-contradictions will disappear and you will start becoming integrated. When you start becoming integrated, your intelligence will further grow. This is the cycle you need to get into. This is the cycle that can clear your worries also.

Intelligence is the only way to get freedom from anything that bothers you.

If you are really interested in dropping your inner chatter and worries, you could try a small exercise:
Think of all the things that give you joy. Make up your mind that you will allow your mind to linger on only these things and nothing else. Anything else, you will give it just enough energy to get it done and then forget about it. Try this exercise and you will see that you conserve a lot of energy.

This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.

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