Words from the Master

Mar 1, 2009  at 2:21 AM

But we are dulled by our so-called knowledge, which is nothing but again a collection of words and another cause for inner chatter and worry. We have collected so many words and we live with these words and therefore nothing surprises us. Even if God comes to you and says that he is God, you will say, “So what?” Everything is taken for granted because of your knowledge.

The whole of Existence is taken for granted because of your so-called knowledge. You miss the whole of Existence in this fashion. You run behind worldly things that give you only more and more greed, worry and fear. These things only disconnect you further from your inner core; they make you look outside instead of inside; they make you totally dependent on outer world things instead of your own inner strength; they make you sway between depression and joy alternately, instead of being centered upon a permanent bliss.

You feel that everything is happening outside and that you have to run to catch it before it is too late. That is why you are always in a hurry, always chattering inside yourself. That is why you are in a rat race. That is why you are always in the future and never in the present.

Knowledge is simply data, facts, statistics; it is simply dead. Collect knowledge, but don’t let it control you in any way. Learn to keep it aside and look at life with awe. The mind always tries to conclude, summarize, judge, collect information with whatever it sees. You want to collect words and more words, that’s all. Of what use is it?

I took a couple of devotees to Mathura, the birthplace of Lord Krishna. It was so beautiful. We went in the boat on the river Yamuna, reliving the days of Krishna. I was sharing my bliss with the devotees - a pack of highly intellectual people. Here I was recalling the days of Krishna, showing them where Ras Leela happened, and I was filled with such ecstasy and the devotees are telling me that the tiles in the place look as if they have been renovated! I was so shocked. I told them that I should have brought a few people who had lesser knowledge and more awe left in them so that I could share my ecstasy with them.

Knowledge is dead at the end of the day. Somehow, people use knowledge to measure a person’s worth. The more knowledge, you have, the more you are respected.

With knowledge, you are constantly living with your mind. You can never know Existence with your mind. You can know Existence only through your heart. Only through love you can know Existence. And the mind does not know love; only the heart knows love. The mind knows only calculated love, which is not love at all. It is just another calculation that you do to satisfy yourself at the superficial level.

Spirituality, is all about understanding the perfect harmony, the deep connection between man and Existence. When you understand this and drop your entire struggle, you will just flow like a river. The river will take its course and join the mighty ocean. You just need to let go.

I don’t mean that you can sit in a corner and you will be swept by some river, no! You just do your work with the undaunted faith and feeling that there is a Life Force that is conducting this Universe that is taking care of you also, which is making the breath in you to go in and come out. That is enough.

Simply shift the responsibility to a higher authority and relax. You will then live like a king! You will then start listening to the synchronous music of the flowing river, of Existence taking you, of the harmony between you and Existence. This harmony is what you need to tune into. And then, all your worries will disappear!

This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.

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