We are all the time running after material objects of the external world. Most of us are not even aware that such a thing as inner space exists.
Deep within each of us, there is a silence. It is the source from which we came. We can never experience this silence by going behind the objects of the outer world. We can experience it only by going inward.
To go inward, we need to be aware of our mind and its workings. Mind is nothing but our thoughts. These thoughts by themselves are alright. But when you identify with these thoughts, it corrupts this inner space. Constantly by replaying the past and connecting independent incidents, your mind creates shafts, connections.
Supposing you have a pain in your shoulder, immediately the shaft of pain will come up. All the earlier pains that you have had will come up as a string of incidents. Be very clear: The pain you had 9 years ago is different from the pain you had 4 years ago and it is different from the pain you have now. All are unconnected, one-time, independent incidents and have no connection. It is your mind that makes the connection, which in reality does not exist. This series of connections is what I call a shaft.
You will see that these shafts create thought patterns, which are sets of thoughts that keep repeating themselves. For example, you may have a set of ideas about a person, a situation or a thing. Every time you interact with that person, these ideas surface and bias your decision-making. By judging in this manner, you simply miss the totality of that person or the situation and take wrong decisions about them.
Drop your ideas about everything and everybody. Just be friendly with everyone without having any past memories or ideas about them. Just behave the way you would when you meet the person the first time. Life will then be joyful. Your inner space will simply expand. You will be able to actualize your entire potential. Most often you are afraid to drop these shafts because these shafts give you your identity. Just understand that you are an un-clutched, independent being. Don’t try to clutch into these shafts.
Keep your inner space pure. Whenever thoughts arise, whatever they may be, just watch and be a witness to them. You will see that your awareness increases and slowly the number of thoughts in you decrease. You will become aware of the inner space within, which is pure bliss.
Be Blissful!
Experience your inner space
Dec 2, 2008 at 2:23 AM
Words From The Master