The cosmos, the universe, that vast space above and beyond has always fascinated, puzzled and inspired humans. We have sought to understand the functioning of the universe since the time of our creation; poets have sung about it, painters have tried capturing its mystique, and mystics have contemplated upon it.
The universe, the macrocosm or brahmanda as our ancient sages called it, operates with no understandable rules, with no visible ruler, and is apparent Chaos. Yet, it works, and has worked for billions of years. On the other hand the Individual body, the microcosm, or the pindanda, which scientists have dissected and analyzed to the last cell, is all in apparent order. We believe that we rule our body and mind.
Universe is energy and energy in nature is chaotic. Energy in each atom is chaotic. The mystery of sub atomic particles keeps getting unraveled only to present more riddles; are they particles, waves, quanta, strings or whatever, is a matter of continuous unfolding. However, in that confusion, in that chaos, there is order. Even if we do not always understand it, there is a cosmic rule that operates with Intelligence. The stars and planets move in order, with no apparent regulatory authority, though science is yet to find the source of this order. Our Universe is just not matter alone; it is also not just power; it is power with intelligence which is energy. This Cosmic Intelligence responds to our prayers.
Believing that Universe is just matter is what causes power struggles, terrorism and violence of all kind. When we realize that Universe is Intelligent Energy, that it is compassionate, and that it responds to us, seeds of peace are sown. World is divided into those who are spiritual who believe in its innate Intelligence and those who live for power and control over others believing themselves to be more intelligent than nature.
Cosmic energy continues to prove that it responds to us. In a book ‘Message from water’ Masaru Emoto describes the amazing results of his experiments with ordinary water. Emoto showed that water responded to his thoughts and words. Since water constitutes more than 80% of our body system, you can imagine the power of words, our own and those of others, upon our body system. The rest of the universal energy responds similarly to us.
Most of us believe in the power, the shakti, of the Cosmos; we believe in the power of what we term divine, to grant us our prayers, give us boons. However, we do not realize that Cosmos also has intelligence, buddhi.
Nitti Mudaliar goes into a restaurant and orders his fill. He eats with relish, with gusto. He then gets up to leave. As he is about to go out he is presented with a bill. Startled he says: I only ordered my food, I didn’t order the bill.
We specify to the divine what we want in explicit detail; when we get what we asked for we are often surprised unpleasantly. Like Nitti, we are happy to order, but reluctant to pay the bill.
For a change, just for a few days, let the universe decide for you; stop telling the universe what you want, and what you want it to do for you. Trust its intelligence the way you trust its power. You will be surprised at how much happier you are with what you receive. This is the power of prayer, when you give up the arrogance of what you believe to be your own orderliness and start surrendering to what you imagine is the chaos of the universe.
Chaos is Order
Dec 1, 2008 at 2:25 AM
Words From The Master