What happens after death? (continuation from an earlier post)
You need a little bit of mental preparation before you can go in depth into this subject. Whatever I have spoken so far is only to prepare you, to bring you to a mental level, from where you can understand what I am going to say. I promise you that what I am going to narrate about my experience is the truth, and the absolute truth. It matches the findings of the rishis as well as hypnotherapists and psycho-analysts and doctors. I developed that personal experience into a formula that will help people to overcome the pain at the time of their transition.
This is how this formula happened to me; this formula is behind the Nithyananda Spurana Program (NSP). I am trying to transmit and reproduce my experience as a master just like a scientist develops formulas to reproduce the external truths that he observes.
I was in Varanasi which is sort of the headquarters of Hinduism. (to be contd.)
This excerpt has been taken from the book: Beyond Life And Death
Ask The Master: 25 Nov 2007
Nov 25, 2007 at 5:54 AM
Series: Ask The Master