Words From The Master: Awareness – the benign virus!

Apr 1, 2010  at 2:06 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 2:
There is nothing to worry – Living enlightenment is enjoying life without worry.
Part 6:
Awareness – the benign virus!

There was a student who wanted to learn martial arts. He approached a teacher and asked, ‘I wish to study martial arts. How long will it take me to master the art?’

The teacher replied, ‘Ten years.’

The student became very sad and said, ‘But I want to master it faster and I will work very hard. Even if you want me to practice more than ten hours a day, I am ready to do it. If I do so, how long will it take?’

The teacher said, ‘May be twenty years.’

The teacher clearly means that hurrying is not going to help! When you are in a hurry, there is only anxiety. To really do something, you need only awareness, nothing else. When there is awareness, there is right action. When there is hurry, everything is blurred.

Seek at Leisure