Words From The Master: What is Worry?

Mar 5, 2010  at 2:14 AM

Excerpt From:
Living Enlightenment
Chapter 1:
You Are Your Emotions
Section 2:
There is nothing to worry – Living enlightenment is enjoying life without worry.
Part 1:
What is Worry?

We talked of love so far. Love is about our relationship with others. Love is also about our relationship with us. Without loving ourselves we cannot love others. What prevents us from loving our own self is the constant worry or irritation that we generate within us. Whether things go right or wrong we worry. There is nothing more corrosive to our self-esteem than worry. What is this worry?

A small story:
A man walked into a bar looking worried and upset.
The bartender asked him, ‘What’s the matter? You look very worried about something.’
The man said, ‘My wife and I had a fight and she told me that she wouldn’t talk to me for a month.’
The bartender consoled him ‘It’s okay. One month isn’t that long.’
The man said, ‘I know. The month is up today!’
Everyone has his or her own set of worries! If I ask you what you worry about, you will tell me, ‘I don’t have a job, that’s my worry.’ Your neighbor will say, ‘My job is my main worry!’ Someone else will say, ‘My children are my worry.’ Another person will say, ‘I don’t have children, that’s my worry!’ One person’s dream is another person’s worry! You will not find any logic in it at all.

Seek at Leisure