Words from the Master

Nov 23, 2009  at 2:10 AM

People time and again beg me to do miracles. I tell them that these so-called miracles are not a scale to measure my state. But they don’t want to listen. Even if, just to demonstrate simple techniques like materializing etc., I do one or two things, people will start coming to me to watch these miracles, for the magic show; not for transformation! That is my worry.

One day, upon persistent begging from a few devotees, I teleported a Lakshmi Idol and gave it to them. I explained to them that it is not a miracle. Just because you don’t know the cause and effect relationship of what you see, you think it is a miracle.

What actually happens in teleporting is, just like how the sound waves from your voice over the telephone get converted to electrical signals and transmitted over a medium and then get re-converted back to sound waves at the other end, I just convert matter into energy, move it across air and reconvert it back into matter, that’s all. There is no miracle in this.

So stop searching for miracles. Live with a feeling of gratitude and love for existence and automatically, you will see the real miracles happening to you. Your transformation is the greatest miracle that can happen through a Master! And remember, you don’t need miracles from a Master; you only need intelligence.

This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.

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