Words from the Master

Oct 21, 2009  at 2:57 AM

Try out this small exercise when you are by yourself:

For two hours, keep aside your worries and needs, and focus on all that Existence has already given you. You will immediately think, If I don’t worry about my needs, how can I fulfill them? Who will take care of my family? What will happen to my business? Agreed, you have to think about all these things. But just for the next two hours, take all these loads off your head and do what I am saying.

In any case, do you think your family or your business is running because of you? Let me tell you, things are running smoothly not because of us, but in spite of us! If Existence had to depend on our intelligence to sustain our families or our wealth, we would all be destitute by now! And be very clear: By simply worrying, nothing can be achieved. I think we have spoken enough about worrying earlier!

So just for a few minutes, close your eyes and focus on what has already been showered on you, what you already have. Go over mentally all the things – your body, your wealth, the people who support and help you, your house, your luxuries, your vacations, everything. Enjoy all of them in a relaxed and grateful way. Take as much time as possible.

Don’t rush and go over it in a hurry. Just live all of it in your mind. Stay with that feeling. Stay with that wonderful feeling of fulfillment for a while. Feel yourself becoming filled with gratitude and overflowing with it. When you open your eyes, you will see that what you have is more than enough to run your life! And you will wonder - what more you want!

You have to just become gratitude! The best way to become gratitude is, to learn to enjoy without a reason. Enjoy everything that you see, everything that you hear, and everything that you do, with the supreme confidence that Existence is taking care. Life will then simply transform in your eyes and you will be overflowing all the time because you are always enjoying.

This excerpt has been taken from the book: Guaranteed Solutions.

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